January 2015 version

 Babis: Azalis and Two Baha'i Groups 


 Who is the Successor of the Bab??? 

 Background on Islam


 Examples of the Bab's Writing

 Background on Shi'ite Islam


 The Alleged Successors

 Babis, Forerunners of Baha'is and Azalis


 Feuds and Murders Over Succession



 The Bab's Will and Testament

 Baha'u'llah and his Problems


 A Baha'i View

 Baha'u'llah's Successors


 The Bab's View

 The Importance of the Baha'i Calendar


 The Ithna'Ashariyya Shi'ite Muslim View

 Baha'i Teaching on God


 The Sunni Muslim View of Baha'is

 Which of God's Personalities Do You Want to Believe Today? 


 The Christian View of Baha'is

 First Baha'i Answer: "Progressive" Revelation


 A Jewish View of Baha'is

 Second Baha'i Answer: Corrupted Words


 Will the Real Prophet Please Stand Up?



 Life and Teaching

 Sharing the Gospel with Baha'is





 Prophecy about Him



 Prophecies He Made

 How Baha'is Bend the Bible


 Testimony and Life of Witnesses 





 How Baha'is Can Agree with Christianity, by Redefining the Terms 


 Index of Baha'i Writings

 Christ is the Only Way to God


 Baha'u'llah and the New Era

 The Incomparable Christ - Really Less than Baha'u'llah


 Some Answered Questions

 The Resurrection of Christ - No Bodily Resurrection


 The Glory of Christ

 They Believe the Trinity - No They Deny the Christian Trinity



 They Believe the Bible - But not What It Says


 List of References

 Belief in Evil and Satan - But not the being of Satan


 List of References on Baha'is

 Verses to Share with Baha'is


 Selected List of References on Islam 



Babis: Azalis and Two Baha'i Groups

Azalis and Baha'is are similar religions that try to unify religion by accepting the teachings of
Krishna, Zoroaster, Moses, Mohammed, and Jesus. They came from Islam, claim to follow Mohammed, but do not claim to be Muslim. First we will see some background on Islam, especially the Shi'ite branch, and then a brief sketch of Babism. We will look briefly at Azalis, and then concentrate more on Baha'is, their contradictions, and why they need to leave and come to know the real Jesus.

Background on Islam

Islam has great respect for Jesus, but apart from a few things in the Qur'an, Mohammed claimed Jesus said Muslims cannot point to any of Jesus' words that they follow. Why is this? A major reason is that they say the Bible has been corrupted and was no longer reliable; they say a new prophet was needed.

Muslims agree with Christians that Jesus will return from heaven, but they deny that He really died on the cross. Rather God miraculously switched another, and Jesus secretly disappeared.

Background on Shi'ite Islam

The savage civil war between the caliph 'Ali and the following caliph Mu'awiyah, the martyrdom of Husain at
Karbala and subsequent behavior of the caliph Yezid, remind Shi'ites of their view of the Sunni corruption of the caliphate. Not only that, but they distrust the Sunni traditions of the prophet in the hadiths. Shi'ites have a great deal of respect for Mohammed, but they generally believe that an imam is required to show the truth and interpret it correctly.
Shi'ites split over who the successor to the sixth imam was. Should it be the younger brother Musa al-Kazim, since the older brother, Isma'il was (very disputably) a drinker of alcohol? A minority today, called 7'ers (Isma'ilis) went with Isma'il, but a majority today, called 12'ers (Ithna'ashariyya), went with al-Kazim and his descendants down to the 12th imam.
However, the 12th imam mysteriously disappeared, with no clear successor. 12'er Shi'ites believe he did not die but was miraculously taken up to heaven, and at the end times he will return, before Jesus does.
The word bab, meaning "gate", is a religious concept in many Shi'ites, and many have claimed to be the Bab. "I [Mohammed] am the City of
Knowledge and 'Ali is its Gate (Bab)." Al-Hakim al-Mustadrak. vol.3 p.126-127 quoted from Introduction to Shi'i Islam p.14. Another early claimant was Muhammad ibn Nusayr an-Namiri (c.850 A.D.), who called himself the Gate (Bab) to Truth. 'Alawite Muslims believe there were many Babs, the seventh being Saliman al-Farisi, a companion of Mohammed's.

Babis, Forerunners of Baha'is and Azalis

The Babis (pronounced like "bobbies") came out the Shi'ite Shayki movement when Ali Muhammad of Shiraz in southern Iran, a descendant of Mohammed born in 1819/1821, claimed to the Bab ul-Bab (Gate of Gates), or forerunner to the hidden (12th) imam. He claimed this on a pilgrimage to Mecca in 1844 A.D.. The Bab wrote many works; but his revelations are recorded in The Book of Bayan. He taught brotherly love, cleanliness, education, more freedom for women, and no begging or alcohol.
The Bab taught that that many things were just figurative. For example, resurrection simply means spiritual awakening from ignorance, heedlessness, and lust. The Day of Judgment was the time when people would hear of and individually accept or reject the new manifestation.Paradise is the joy of knowing and loving God through His Manifestation. Hell is being deprived of that knowledge and loss of eternal favor. He definitely declared that these terms have no real meaning apart from this; and that the prevalent ideas regarding the resurrection of the material body, a material heaven and hell, and the like, are mere figments of the imagination. He taught that man has a life after death, and that in the afterlife progress towards perfection is limitless.

Among the more interesting teachings of the Bayan in
8:14 is that the Bab commands his followers to recite 700 verses of the Bayan every twenty-four hours. ( Baha'is do not follow this today.
The Bab was arrested, and the Babis started a rebellion in
Persia. In the battles of Shaykh Tabarsi, Nayriz, and a fortress in Zanjan many of the Babi leaders, and 2,000 to 3,000 Babis were killed. Baha'is claim 20,000, but academic scholars such as Dennis MacEoin deny this. After the battles, the Turkish government executed the Bab by firing squad on July 9th, 1850 A.D. In 1852 a Babi tried to shoot the Shah, and the Shah retaliated against the Babis.
Baha'is say that both the Bab and Baha'u'llah were manifestations of God, and three of the twelve Baha'i feasts commemorate events in the Bab's life.


After the Babi was killed in 1850, at least seven men claimed to be his successor as "One whom God should manifest". Almost all Babis initially followed Mirza Yahya Nuri Subh/Sobh al-Azal (c.1830-1912) for 13 years. He had a will from the Bab showing him as his chosen successor. (Subh al-Azal means dawn of eternity.) Al-Azal advocated dissimulation (deceiving others about what they believed) instead of conflict. His group is called Azalis.
After 13 years, a second faction, Baha'i, was started by al-Azal's older half-brother Husayn 'Ali Nuri Baha' (1817-1892), who 6 years later claimed himself as Baha'u'llah. Some Baha'is said the Bab appointing al-Azal as the successor was just a tactic to deflect the government away from Husayn. However the government exiled both and treated both generously.
Mulla Rajab 'Ali, nicknamed Qahir was a prominent Azali writer whom Azalis claim was murdered by Bahai's. (Defunct web page) ~bahai/arabic/vol4/qahir/qahir.htm. (
While the Bab taught Jihad was OK, and Baha'u'llah rejected Jihad, the Baha'u'llah urged his followers to be violent against their enemies. The government exiled both groups to different places. The Azalis were taken to
Cyprus while the Baha'is were taken to Acre in Palestine. Right after this, a large number of Azali leaders were assassinated.
See Denis MacEoin, "Divisions and Authority Claims in Babism (1850-1866)." Studia Iranica 18, 1 (1989):93-129 for more on alleged Baha'i assassinations of Azalis.

Baha'u'llah and his Problems

While there are only a few thousand Azalis in Iran today, the New 20th Century Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge estimates there were 1.3 to 2 million Baha'is in 1991. Many Jews had become Baha'is in Iran under the Shah. Many of them were killed under Khomeini. There are about 100K U.S. Baha'is, in ~1,000 congregations. There are many Baha'is in India.
Baha'is view Baha'u'llah as a physical manifestation of God. He was born in
Persia (today's Iran) in 1817 and died in Palestine in 1892. In 1863, nineteen years after the Bab revealed himself, Baha'u'llah revealed himself as 12th imam returned as well as Christ returned. Baha'u'llah wrote the Tablet of Ishraqat, the Tablet of Tarazat, and Book of Aqdas (Lawb-i-Aqdas) - addressed to Christians.
However, the Bab declared that he was the Mahdi, while Baha'ullah declared he was the Mahdi.
The Bab appointed Subh-i Azal as his successor, not Baha'ullah. Also, the Bab said a new manifestation would not arrive for 1,000 years, not 19 years.

Baha'u'llah's Successors

After Baha'u'llah died, his oldest son 'Abdu'l-Baha 'Abbas (=Abbas Effendi) (5/23/1844-1921) took over. He was born on Tehran on the same night the Bab revealed himself. His oldest grandson, Shoghi Effendi Rabbani (1897-1957) succeeded him. After him, the Baha'is were led by a council called the International House of Justice. However, a group now called the Orthodox Baha'i Faith split off, saying the successor was not a council but Mason Remey. Beckwith says the other beliefs of the two Baha'i groups' are almost identical.
In a thousand or more years Baha'u'llah claimed another Manifestation will appear, under the shadow of Baha'u'llah, with clear proofs of His mission, but until then the words of Baha'u'llah, Abdu'l-Baha and the Guardian and the decisions of the International House of Justice constitute the authorities to which all believers must turn for guidance. No Bahá'í may found a school or sect based on any particular interpretation of the teachings or any supposed divine revelation. Anyone contravening these injunctions is considered a "covenant-breaker."

The Importance of the Baha'i Calendar

Baha'is teach that "in the not far distant future it will be necessary that all peoples in the world agree on a common calendar." The Baha'i year has 19 months of 19 days each (= 361 days). The also add four to five intercalary days between the eighteenth and nineteenth months in order to adjust the calendar to the solar year. The Bahá'í New Year starts the same as the Persian New year at the March equinox.

Baha'i Teaching on God

Baha'i Beliefs on God
God is unknowable apart from His manifestations
Major world religions are from God: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism
Revere Abraham, Moses, Zoroaster, Mohammed, Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, the Bab, and Baha'u'llah.
The prophets were infallible, but the teaching of all but the last two are mainly lost or corrupted
The next prophet will only come after 1,000 years
All should follow the manifestation of God.
Baha'u'llah is the manifestation of God now.
Evolution is the way God created everything
Evil only exists as a lack or deprivation of good.

Baha'i Practices
All religions of the world should unite.
Isolate from Azalis, Orthodox Baha'is, ex-Baha'is
Prayer is conversation with God (like Christianity)
All should speak one language, such as Esperanto
Achieve self-realization
Dead people can speak telepathically with us
No fighting except multi-national vs. oppressors
No intoxicants or alcohol, except for medical need
Cleanliness and education are important
No gambling, but other games of chance are OK

Anti-Hindu and Anti-Buddhist Teachings
Most teaching of Krishna and Buddha was lost
One God; worshipping idols is wrong
No reincarnation. Pantheism is wrong
No professional priesthood (no Brahmins)
All people are equal, and should be under one government (against the caste system)

Anti-Islam Teaching
Most of the teaching of Mohammed was lost
All the Qur'an says about Heaven, Hell, resurrection, Christ's return, is only figurative
God is a Father. Christ called Himself the Son of God.
Mohammed was not the final prophet
Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca is not needed
There is no need for ritual prayer five times a day
People should not be under Sharia Law
Slavery today is wrong
Women do not need veils. However, wear them in strict Islamic lands to avoid problems. Monogamy
Equality of men and women. (i.e. women are not deficient in religion, intelligence, but should have equality in law courts, divorce, etc.)
No Jihad (differ from Babis here)
Have a will, but give inheritance as you wish (Muslims have rules how they have to do it)
Umayyads (first caliphs) were the Rev 11 beast who opposed the religion of Mohammed and 'Ali
The Bab and Baha'u'llah were born in Shi'ite Persia, because that was one of the most religiously backward places in the world then.
Muslims would generally say Baha'i teachings are not only wrong, but Baha'i teachings about Mohammed misrepresent Islam. See for an in depth study of inconsistencies in Babism and the Baha'i Faith - from material sourced from their own books.

Anti-Jewish Teaching
Most of the true teaching of Moses was lost
Jesus was virgin-born and a true prophet of God
Prophet like Jesus can abrogate previous teachings

Anti-Christian Teaching
Most of the true teaching of Jesus was lost
Most of the Bible is just figurative, including Heaven, Hell, resurrection, Christ's return, etc.
Jesus is not God incarnate; the Trinity is not true
All are not separated from God by their sin
Jesus is not the only way to God
Jesus did not die for sins; he was not resurrected
No need to follow Jesus as your Lord and Savior
Dissimulation when persecuted to conceal beliefs.
Legalism: Must follow the new, Baha'i calendar

Anti-Catholic Teaching
Popes shed innocent blood, opposed knowledge

Which of God's Personalities Do You Want to Believe Today?

What kind of god would allow his people (Hindus) to think his prophet wanted them to worship idols, and yet command his people (Muslims) to kill idolators!
What kind of god would "reveal" that Allah has people's skins burned off in Hell, and then gives them new skins to be burned off again (Islam), and then the Baha'u'llah says that heaven and hell are just metaphors for the benefits of spiritual education vs. the deprivations of spiritual ignorance?
What kind of god would tell us salvation is within you (Buddha), no one comes to the Father except through Jesus (Jesus), God is not a father and has no son (Mohammed in the Qur'an).
What kind of god would have Jesus return back just the way he ascended in the clouds (Acts 1:9-11 and Rev. 1:7), yet Baha'u'llah is Christ returned?
What kind of god commands us to "love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us" (Mt.
5:44-45; Luke 6:27-38), "forgive 70 times 7 (Mt.18:21-22), vs. "curse the Christians" (Mohammed near the end of his life in Bukhari vol.1 book 8 no.427 p.255) vs. wage Jihad against the Muslim Persians (the Bab)?
Many more examples can be given, but I hope you get the point. Some might think the god of Bahai's suffers from multiple personality disorder!

First Baha'i Answer: "Progressive" Revelation (a.k.a. Cyclical Revelation)

Baha'is have an answer for this, called progressive revelation. Similar to Muslims, they believe a prophet can restrict, relax, or otherwise change a command from a previous prophet.
However, "progressive" is a misnomer. Jewish and Christian women did not have to wear veils, free Muslim women all did, and Baha'i women do not. Perhaps "cyclical revelation" is a more appropriate term. Likewise, the Jews had many dietary restrictions, including pork and camel meat, the Christians were loosed from dietary restrictions, and the Muslims have some dietary restrictions (no pork, but camel meat is OK.).
Likewise the Baha'i God flip-flopped on divorce. Divorce was permitted for any cause in the Old Testament, because people's hearts were hard. Jesus forbade divorce except for unfaithfulness. Yet Muslim men can divorce as they please. So if Baha'i were true, revelation is really cyclical, not progressive.

Second Baha'i Answer: Corrupted Words

Baha'is give a second, complementary answer: most of the words or the previous prophets were lost and corrupted. Thus anything that disagrees with the teaching of the Bab and Baha'u'llah that was not simply abrogated, is a corruption.
There are two problems with their answer: the Bab wrote after the printing press and Baha'u'llah contradicts what he said that the 12th imam will not appear for 1,000 years. This is no mere abrogation of a command: this makes the Bab's prophecy a lie.
A second problem is this: what if we had strong evidence of the reliability of the Old Testament, New Testament, as well as the vast majority of the Qur'an? Then this Baha'i defense would also fall.
Let's start with the Qur'an and work backwards.
While the Qur'an was collected after Mohammed's death, Sahih Muslim (vol.2:2286 p.500,501) says that one sura was lost, and the Qur'an of Ibn Masu'd did not have three Suras, and 'Ubai bin Ka'b's Qur'an did not have many suras, we can know that most of the suras belonged there based on the quotes and paraphrases in the hadiths and early Muslim historians. Even if parts of the Qur'an were not preserved correctly, much of it undoubtedly was. There are many parts in the Qur'an about waging Jihad against infidels
The Sunni hadiths written 200 years later, and early Muslim historians confirm much of the doctrine of Islam (though not every detail of the Qur'an). Let's look at the gospels.
We have manuscripts of most of the gospels from 150-200 A.D., with the John Rylands fragment from about 117-138 A.D. We also have the corroborating testimony of the early church writers, starting with Clement of Rome in 97/98 A.D.. We even have the heretic Tatian, who c.170 A.D. quoted verbatim 73% of the gospels in his work, the Diatessaron. (The Diatessaron does not contain any additional material either.)
In the Qur'an Sura 5:46-48 says that Jesus confirmed the Torah and the Gospels. In the gospels Jesus also affirmed the Old Testament of His time. We have many copies of the Old Testament from Jesus time among the Dead Sea Scrolls, and they show that the Old Testament has been reliably preserved today.


Just as Shi'ites claim Mohammed's words and traditions are not enough, a more modern prophet is needed, Baha'is say that all previous revelations should be recast in the light of Baha'u'llah.
Just as Muslims respect Jesus, but say the surviving words of all previous prophets are gross corruptions of what they originally said, Baha'is say the same about all previous prophets including Mohammed.
But if the previous teachings were not totally corrupted, then the Baha'i religion falls. But even so, we should not harm or otherwise persecute Baha'is. God does not want us to harm or persecute anybody else who is of a different religion; we should have dignity and respect for all people, because all are made in the image of God. Likewise we are not to hate Baha'is, as Jesus taught us not to hate anybody.

Sharing the Gospel with Baha'is

Baha'is already believe the truth that God is One and idolatry is wrong. But ask a Baha'i, if God really did mean to tell us something literally, such as Heaven and Hell are real destinations, how would they know? Would inconsistencies of Baha'u'llah to previous prophets tip them off? Would the testimony of thousands of Christian martyrs, who died for their faith rather than practice dissimulation be a witness to them? How would they hear?
God is the God of truth, and God does not lie (Numbers
23:19; 1 Samuel 15:29). Yet people are sinful and lie, including many who have lied about God. Many claimed to be the rightful successor to the Bab, and Shi'ites say both the Bab and Baha'u'llah being the 12th imam are lies. How do you judge the truthfulness of a claim, and how does your standard of judgment apply to Baha'u'llah?
In Matthew 24:4-5 "Jesus answered: 'Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many.'" Revelation 1:7 says, "Look, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of him. So shall it be! Amen." Did every eye see Baha'u'llah? Atheists used to scoff at this verse, saying it was impossible for everyone to see Jesus at once since the earth was round. - Of course that was before TV. Only an extremely small percentage of the people of the earth saw Baha'u'llah.
"After he [Jesus] said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. 'Men of
Galilee,' they said, 'why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.'" Acts 1:9-11 (NIV)
You have to make a decision to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Because, as Philippians 2:9-11 says, "Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

Who is the Successor of the Bab???

"Bab" is a term among various Shi'ite and 'Alawite groups for a person who is a "gate" to truth, heaven, or the Mahdi. Ali Muhammad of Shiraz, a descendant of Mohammed born in 1819/1821, claimed to the Bab, the forerunner to the hidden (12th) imam. He claimed in Mecca in 1844 A.D..

Examples of the Bab's Writing

The Bab wrote a number of books, including Kitabu'l-Asma', and perhaps most importantly, the Bayan. The Azali faction also calls themselves Bayani's, because they follow the Bab's Bayan, while the Baha'is do not. In fact, Baha'u'llah in the Epistle of the Wolf said he never had the time or opportunity to read the writings of the Bab. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.60
These are from the Bab's work Panj Sha'n (Five Modes), translated by (11/23/2004)
In the Name of God, Very God, Very God!
I, I am God--No God is there but Me--Very God, Very God.
In Gods Name, Very God, Very God.
God by God, Very God, Very God.
In God's Name, Godlike God, Godlike God.
God, no God is there but He, Very God, Very God.
God, no God is there but He, Godlike God, Godlike God.
God, no God is there but He, God as God in Godhead.
God, no God is there but He, God, attain'd Godhood.

Say, You, O God, You arise as God
of the heavens and the earth and the void between.
Then plant the tree of affirmation
in all that You have created
or will create by Your command
until that day on which You manifest
the Manifestation of Your Self
that all may believe in Him
and be sure on Him
then bow down before His face.
Note that all people were to bow before the Manifestation of God, and that is who the Bab claimed to be.

The Alleged Successors

When the Shi'ite Persians arrested the bab, there were enough Babis to start a revolt. However, after at least three battles thousands of Babis were killed. The Persians executed the Bab on July 9th, 1850 A.D. In 1852 a Babi tried to shoot the Shah, and the Shah retaliated further against the Babis.
But who would succeed the Bab? Many said they were supposed to.

Mirza Yahya Nuri Subh-i Azal (Azali faction, = Bayani's)

Husayn 'Ali Nuri Baha' (Azal's older half-brother, Baha'i faction)

Mirza Asadullah

Mirza Abdullah Ghaugha

Husayn Maylani (known as Husayn Jan)

Syed Husayn Hindiyani

Mirza Muhammed Zarandi

For the first thirteen years, the majority of Babis followed Azal. Then the Baha'u'llah started his group, and six years after that Baha'u'llah claimed he was the promised one.

Feuds and Murders Over Succession

After the Bab was executed, the Babi's had a bloody feud among themselves. (Default web page) Athens/Acropolis/5111/mirza.html says:
"Upon reaching
Edirne in December 1863, tensions in the Babi community heightened. In Early 1866 Bahaullah formalized the division in the community, and the Babis formally pledged support for either Sobh-e Azal or Bahaullah, the latter being the more popular. Despite Bahaullah's rejection of holy war, which Babis had practiced diligently, Bahaullah urged his supporters to violence, and a bloody feud ensued. The public and government officials in Edirne had remained quite amicable to the Babis but upon these latter developments became uncomfortable. In 1868 Ottoman officials intervened. Sobh-e Azal and his supporters, the Azali, were sent to Famagusta, Cyprus while Bahahullah and the Bahai were removed to Acre, Palestine. Provisions were made to station observers in the opposing side's camp for monitoring purposes. Murders continued, however, and three Azali observers were killed in one night alone. Assasinations of Azali leaders were reported in Karbala, Baghdad, Tabriz, Acre and throughout Iran. Such prominent figures as Aqa Syed Ali Arab and Mulla Rajab Ali, both among the first 19 Babis, the Letters of the Living, and Haji Mirza Jani Kashani, author of Nuqtat ul-Qaf, joined the ranks of killed Azalis.
... Reviled by many Bahais, Sobh-e Azal is nevertheless considered the Bab's true successor by many Babis, especially ones in
Iran. Azalis adhere to the Bab's original doctrinal work, the Bayan, and have remained a small group."

The Bab's Will and Testament

Azalis claim to have a Last Will of the Bab, written a few days before his execution in 1850, and forwarded to Azim Turshizi, who sent it to Sub-i Azal. It designates Subh-i Azal (not the Baha'u'llah) as the successor. Here is the text and translation from (11/23/2004).
Allahu Akbar Takbir'an Kabir'an
hadha kitab min `
ind Allah al-muhayyamin al-qayyum ila Allah muhayyamin al-qayyum. qul: kullu min Allah mabda'un, qul, kullu ila Allah ya`udun.
hadha kitab min `Ali qabla Nabil dhikr Allah al-`alamin ila man ba`d li-ismih ism al-waheed dhikr Allah al-`alamin.
qul: kullu min nuqtatu'l-Bayan la-yubda'un, inna ya ism al-waheed fa-ahfaza ma nazala fi al-Bayan wa amr bihi fa-innaka li-sirat haqq al-`azeem.
God is the Greatest, [Great with the] Uttermost Greatness. This is the Book in the possession of God, the Preserver, the Self-Subsistent, to God the Preserver, the Self-Subsistent. Say: All come from God. Say: All return to God. This is the Book from `Ali before Nabil* who is the Remembrance to the Worlds to him whose name is the Unity/the One #, the Remembrance to the Worlds. Say: All [things] have been generated by the Point(s) of [the] Exposition/the Bayan. Verily, O name of Unity/the One, keep [and protect] that which has descended [or, been revealed] in the Exposition/the Bayan and that commanded by it, and verily you are the True and Most Mighty Straight Path. Seal (Inni ana hujjat Allah wa nurihi/Verily, I am God's proof and his light)
*'Nabil' in the abjad/numerology system of Islamic gnosis is numerically equivalent to Muhammad which both hold the value of '92'. This is another way for the Bab to state his name, `Ali Muhammad.
# Waheed, the unity or the one, is Azal's symbolic designation here which is also equivalent to 'Yahya' (i.e. 28), Azal's first name.
The web site notes that one can also read this (with an older English translation) in E.G. Browne's
translation of Mirza Muhammad Hamadani's

A Baha'i View

One Baha'i view is that the Bab did not really want Azal to succeed him, but wrote that will so that the Persians would not know about the real successor, Baha'ullah. Of course Azalis disagree.

The Bab's View

While we cannot ask the Bab today, the Bab wrote one thing: he said a new manifestation would not arrive for 1,000 years, not 19 years.
Now Azal did not claim to be a manifestation, but Baha'u'llah did.

The Ithna'Ashariyya Shi'ite Muslim View

The Shi'ites of Iran believe the 12th imam will return, but he is neither the Bab nor Baha'u'llah.
The Mahdi will be descended from
Fatima, and will be called Mohammed. While the Bab claimed to be descended from Mohammed, the Persian Baha'u'llah (to my knowledge) never did.
The Mahdi will raise the black standard in Khurasan (Baha'u'llah never did that).
He will come to
Mecca, and then travel to Kufa. (Baha'u'llah never went to Kufa)
The one-eyed Dajjil (anti-Christ) will come in the East
The sun will rise from the west, and a star in the east will give out as much light as the moon.
Like Mohammed, the Mahdi will have a new cause and a new book and a new religious law. This will be a severe test for Arabs. The sword will be between the Mahdi and the Arabs. (The Arabs did not persecute Baha'u'llah; the Persians and Turks did.)
Jesus will return too. (Jesus is different from the Mahdi in Sh'ite theology.)
The 313 fighters from the battle at Badr also return. (This did not happen)
The imams and former prophets will also all return

The Sunni Muslim View of Baha'is

Sunnis believe the identity of the alleged 12th imam is a moot point, because there is no legitimate 12th imam. Mohammed was the seal of the prophets, and apart from the caliphs there is no legitimate imam, Shi'ite or otherwise, to succeed Mohammed.
Sunnis consider Baha'is as non-Muslim heretics. Baha'is fall under the following injunctions:
In the future beware of people who hold only to the Qur'an and reject the Sunnah. Abu Dawud vol.3:4587-4589 p.1293-1294
Every novelty is an innovation, and every innovation is an error. Abu Dawud vol.3:4590 p.1294
No innovation after the Sunnah is established. Abu Dawud vol.3:4595 p.1296
Sunni Muslims do in fact believe that Jesus will return. But they claim that Jesus will smash the crosses, abolish the jizya tax that nominally protected Jews and Christians, and personally slay the anti-Christ (dajjal). Before he died, Baha'u'llah did none of these things.

The Christian View of Baha'is

While Baha'ullah claimed to be Christ returned, Christians believe Baha'u'llah is a partial fulfillment of the warning in Matthew 24:1,44.
"Jesus answered: 'Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many. (10) At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people."
Acts 1:9-11 says "After he [Jesus] said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. 'Men of
Galilee, they said, 'why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.'" (NIV)
Note: it says "this same Jesus" and "the same way".

A Jewish View of Baha'is

To orthodox Jews, this is all a moot point; Baha'u'llah is not a successor to Mohammed because Mohammed was not from God. They think Baha'u'llah was not Christ returned, since they believe Jesus was not the Messiah from God.
But when the Messiah comes, he will deliver
Israel from her enemies. Baha'u'llah did nothing of the sort.

Will the Real Prophet Please Stand Up?

If we have learned nothing else of significance, we can see that it is relatively easy for someone to claim to be a prophet of God, or a successor to someone else. Proving it is another matter.
Everyone can agree that many people who claimed to be from God here were counterfeits serving Satan, not the True God. So how can we tell which of them are really from God?

Life and Teaching

While the Baha'u'llah also suffered imprisonment, he died a natural death (from fever) and lived very wealthy toward the end of his life. Azalis claim he had his followers attack Azalis.
Mohammed also faced persecution, but he persecuted others far me. He died a natural death, but about a year after he ate some poisoned mutton given to him a woman whose husband was killed by Mohammed. The hadiths record that Mohammed ordered assassinations, torture, and surprise attacks against unsuspecting people. Mohammed asked forgiveness for his sins many times.
Jesus suffered and died as a martyr for his teaching. He was materially poor all of his life. Jesus did not persecute anyone. He said to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. Even Muslims agree with the Bible that Jesus lived a sinless life.


The Baha'u'llah did not perform any miracles of which I have seen records.
While the hadiths claim many miracles for Mohammed, including splitting the moon in two, the Qur'anic teaching is that Mohammed did not miracles, besides bringing forth the Qur'an.
Jesus performed many miracles, attested by people such as Matthew, John, and Peter. Jesus raised the dead, and He Himself was raised from the dead.

Prophecy about Him

Baha'u'llah claimed he was prophesied by Zoroastrians (Shah Bahram), the Bible (Christ returned) and Shi'ite Islam (12th imam returned). However, Baha'u'llah did not convincingly overthrow the evil Ahiram in Zoroastrianism. In fact, Baha'u'llah did not overthrow anyone. The Bab prophesied that the Mahdi would come in 1,000 years, and Baha'u'llah proclaimed himself only 19 years after the Bab's death. As shown previously, Baha'u'llah did not follow the Shi'ite prophecies about the Mahdi, the least of which is that the Mahdi and Christ are two different people who will both return. Acts 1 and Revelation 1 show that when Christ returns, it will be the same Christ, in the clouds, and every eye will see him. And even if he were claimed to be, quite frankly, most of the world has never heard of the Baha'u'llah. B
Muslims claim Mohammed was prophesied in the Bible in Deuteronomy 18:15-18, John
14:16-26; 15:26; 16:5-15, and other places. However, Deuteronomy 18:15-18 fits Jesus, not Mohammed, because the prophet would be "from among your own brothers", Jesus was Jewish, and Mohammed was not. The verses in John discuss the comforter, who "glorifies Jesus", and was "in the apostles of Jesus" (John 16:17). So why don't Muslims agree that they and Mohammed should glorify Jesus???
There are many prophecies about Christ in the Old Testament. Here are just a few of them.
From David. Jer 23:5; Lk 3:31; Mt 1:1;
9:27; Mk 10:47-48; Jn 7:42; Acts 13:22-23; Rev 22:16
Son of God. Ps 2:7 Mt 3:17;
16:16-17; 27:54; 9:7; Lk 9:35; Jn 1:34; Acts 13:33; Heb 5:5
Child called Mighty God, Prince of Peace, etc.. Isa 9:6. Messianic according to the Yemenite Midrash 349-350 and the Pereq Shalom p.101
When will the Messiah come?

The scepter will not depart. Gen 49:10; Lk 3:23,33 Messianic according to Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmuds, Targum Jonathan, Targum Pseudo-Jonathan, Targum Onkelos, Dead Sea Scroll Commentary, and the Aramaic Targum. Jews lost the right to execute people in 11 A.D. according to the Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin chapter 4.
Before the
Temple is destroyed (70 A.D.). Mal 3:1
Killed 32/33 A.D. Dan9:20-27+Neh 2:1-10 (445/4 B.C.) Messianic according to Maimonides in Igeret Teiman, Rabbi Moses Abraham Levi in The Messiah of the Targums, Talmuds and Rabbinical Writers
What will the Messiah do?

Ministry of miracles. Isa 35:5,6a; Mt 9:6-7,22,32-35; 11:4-6; 12:13; Jn 5:5-9; 9:6-11, etc.
Enter as a king on a donkey. Zech 9:9; Lk 19:35-37; Mt 21:5-9; Jn 12:15
Not abandoned to death. Ps 16:8-11; 30:3; Acts 2:31;
13:33; Mk 16:6; Mt 28:6; Lk 24:46
Spirit of the Lord will be on Him. Isa 11:2; Mt
3:16; Mk 1:10-11; Lk 4:15-21,32; Jn 1:32 Messianic according to Targum Isaiah and the Babylonian Talmud
Reactions of the People

Betrayed by a friend. Ps 41:9; Mt 10:4; 26:48-50; Mk 14:43-44; Lk 22:47-48; Jn 18:3,5
Rejected by His own people. Isa 53:3-4; Ps 69:8; Jn 1:11; 7:5; Mt 21:42-44
Gave Him gall for his drink. Ps 69:21; Mt 27:48
Killed with transgressors. Isa 53:12; Mt 27:38; Mk 15:27
Buried in a rich man's grave. Isa 53:9; Mt 27:57-60
Many Jews missed seeing the Messiah because they were looking for a political Savior, and did not distinguish between His first and second coming.

Prophecies He Made

The Baha'u'llah wrote a letter to Napoleon
III warning him to stop being warlike. Napoleon III was later defeated by Germany. On the other hand, the 1923 edition of Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.278,288-289 says that both Baha'u'llah and 'Abu'l-Baha' predict the most great peace and promised unity of man will happen in the 20th century. This was removed in subsequent editions according to Francis Beckwith p.37.
Mohammed in the hadiths prophesied that they would attack the Romans (Byzantines) and Persians, and fight people with flat faces (Turks).
Jesus prophesied that he would be killed, He would rise from the dead, that
Jerusalem would be destroyed. The entire book of Revelation was prophecy by Jesus given to John.

Testimony and Life of Witnesses

The Baha'u'llah's followers were persecuted, and many killed in
Iran for their beliefs. However, many Azali leaders mysteriously were assassinated, and who would want to assassinate Azali leaders, but not Baha'i leaders?
Mohammed's followers faithfully attacked many peoples to spread Islam and to get 4/5ths of the booty. After Mohammed died, many Arabs gave up being Muslims. Muslims fought them fiercely until they either came back to Islam or were killed. After the Muslims had conquered the
Mideast and Persia, they had a Civil War between Mohammed's son-in-law 'Ali bin Abi Talib on one side, and Mohammed's wife 'Aisha and two generals, Talhah and al-Zubayr, on the other. At the Battle of the Camel, Talhah and al-Zubayr were killed by Muslims on the 'Ali's side. Talhah had saved Mohammed's life at the Battle of Uhud. Talhah and al-Zubayr were two of the only ten Muslims who were guaranteed they would make it to Paradise. After this, there was a bloody Civil War between 'Ali and Mu'awiyah culminating in the Battle of Siffin. After this, the Kharijite branch of Islam was nearly exterminated by both 'Ali and Mu'awiyah.
Jesus' early followers did not kill or persecute anybody. Of the eleven disciples, all but one were martyred for their faith: John died a natural death.


Many claimed to be from God, and some became very wealthy by doing so. However, Jesus had the miracles, prophecies about Him, and a sinless life to back it up. Christ's early followers spread the gospel peacefully, while Mohammed's followers attacked with the sword. Even though Baha'is do not spread their religion by the sword, they still claim to follow Mohammed, who did.
So forget the imposters and turn to the one God showed was from Him: Jesus Christ.

How Baha'is Can Agree with Christianity, by Redefining the Terms

Baha'ism can be presented in a way that sounds almost Christian, but they do so without telling you they redefine the terms. When Baha'is say they believe what Christians believe, and then redefine the terms, it is important to set the record straight and show the different things they and Christians really believe. People belonging to any religion should use material that accurately presents their religion; not one that cloaks it as similar to another. Following are a number of examples, each followed by what Baha'is really teach.

Christ is the Only Way to God

The Baha'i pamphlet "The Incomparable Christ" by Stonehaven Press (1997) begins this way:
"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by Me" - Jesus Christ (John 14:6)
Later it says: "From this point of view, there is only one Christ. There cannot be two Christs, or ten; Christ cannot have a predecessor, successor, substitute or replacement. He is the only avenue through which we can know God: 'No man cometh unto the Father, but by me' (John 14:6)
"Baha'is believe that this same Divine Presence [Christ] has reappeared, in our day, as Baha'u'llah, founder and Central figure of the Baha'i Faith, fulfilling the Bible's promises concerning the 'return' of Christ. (The Glory of Christ Pamphlet)
'Jesus, the Spirit of God ... hath once more, in my person, been made manifest unto you (Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah 101).

The Incomparable Christ - Really Less than Baha'u'llah

Right after that, the same pamphlet continues:
"There is only one Christ. This has always been true, and always will be. Christ is unique, unchanging, indivisible, peerless, and incomparable - 'the Alpha and Omega (Rev. 1:8). We can never adequately express His glory, nor can we exaggerate His importance. Only through Him can we approach God."
This sound very Christian, and there is nothing in else in the pamphlet that says this is wrong. However, it gives a dishonest impression if they tell people Baha'is think Jesus is "peerless" and "incomparable" and "nor can we exaggerate His importance" when they really mean that Baha'u'llah is not his peer, because they really think Baha'u'llah is greater than Christ. They say that Baha'ullah is Christ returned in one breath, and then say he is greater than Christ in another breath.
'Abdul-Baha' in Some Answered Questions p.65 says "that Incomparable Branch" is Baha'u'llah, not Christ.
'Abdul-Baha' in Some Answered Questions p.57-58 says, "In each cycle the guardians and holy souls have been twelve. So Jacob had twelve sons; in the time of Moses there were twelve heads or chiefs of the tribes; in the time of Christ there were twelve Apostle; and in the time of Muhammad there were twelve Imams. But in this glorious manifestation there are twenty-four, double the number of all the others, for the greatness of this manifestation requires it. ... These twenty-four great persons, though they are seated on the thrones of everlasting rule, yet are worshippers of the appearance of the universal Manifestation [i.e. Baha'u'llah].
They write "only through Him can we approach God" but Baha'is do not approach God through Christ any more than through
Krishna, Mohammed, or others, and less than Baha'u'llah.
The tract "Christianity and the Baha'i Faith" by Stonehaven Press 1997 says "From this point of view, Baha'u'llah is Jesus in every way that counts."

The Resurrection of Christ - No Bodily Resurrection

Soon after they write "The personal view revolves around His earthly life, His miraculous birth, His sinless conduct, His ministry of teaching and healing, His struggles against evil, His betrayal by one of His own disciples, and His atoning sacrifice, followed by His resurrection and ultimate victory."
Nothing else in the pamphlet says these are wrong, and one might get the impression Baha'is believe these things. Actually Baha'is do believe all of these things: except for the atoning sacrifice and resurrection.
'Abdu'l-Baha in Some Answered Questions p.103 in the chapter on "The Resurrection of Christ" says, "Question. - What is the meaning of Christ's resurrection after three days?
Answer. - The resurrections of the Divine Manifestations are not of the body. All Their states, ... have a spiritual and divine signification, and have no connection with material things."
Just to reiterate, on p.104 he says, "Therefore, we say that the meaning of Christ's resurrection is as follows: the disciples were troubled and agitated after the martyrdom of Christ. The Reality of Christ, which signifies His teachings, ... was hidden and concealed for two or three days after His martyrdom, and was not respendent and manifest. No, rather it was lost, for the believers were few in number and were troubled and agitated. The Cause of Christ was like a lifeless body; and when after three days the disciples became assured and steadfast, and began to serve the Cause of Christ, and resolved to spread the divine teachings, ... the Reality of Christ became resplendent and His bounty appeared; His religion found life .... In other words, the Cause of Christ was like a lifeless body until the life and the bounty of the Holy Spirit surrounded it. Such is the meaning of the resurrection of Christ, and this was a true resurrection."
Resurrection has nothing to do with the gross physical body. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.271,272

They Believe the Trinity - No They Deny the Christian Trinity

The Glory of Christ Pamphlet is emphatic that they affirm the Trinity as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons or aspects of a single Deity. However, they waffle when they say "The Incarnation thus refers to the fullness of God's nature rather than His literal essence."
Baha'is do not worship Jesus or the Holy Spirit.

They Believe the Bible - But not What It Says

Resurrection is not of the body; they have divine significance and no connection with material things. Some Answered Questions p.103
The plagues of
Egypt and Joshua' long day are not literally true. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.243
Do not believe creation in six days in Genesis. They do not believe Exodus and the ten plagues in
Egypt were literally true.
Creation is without a beginning in time according to Baha'u'llah. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.249
The creation of heaven and Hell are symbolic and not literally true. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.231
"...the crude and bald account given in the Hebrew scriptures." It had its purpose in the past though. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.249-250
Adam and Eve and the fruit are only symbolic. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.252
Baha'u'llah and Abdu'l-Baha regard the descriptions of Heaven and Hell given in some of the older religious writings as symbolic, like the Biblical story of the Creation, and not as literally true. According to Them, Heaven is the state of perfection, and Hell that of imperfection; Heaven is harmony with God's will and with our fellows, and Hell is the want of such harmony; Heaven is the condition of spiritual life, and Hell that of spiritual death. A man may be either in Heaven or in Hell while still in the body. The joys of Heaven are spiritual joys; and the pains of Hell consist in the deprivation of these joys.

Belief in Evil and Satan - But not the being of Satan

Evil does not exist, except as a lack or deprivation of good. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.237
The Baha'i tract Christianity and the Baha'i Faith (Stonehaven Press 1997) says "Do Baha'is believe in Satan? ... Baha'i sacred texts abound with passages that speak of Satan exactly as the Bible does. The reality of Satan is one question; his nature is another. Baha'is believe Satan is a manifestation of the lower, rebellious nature of the human ego. He represents the beast trapped inside each human being, seeking to tempt us away from the path of God. Because Satan exists inside every one of us, he is infinitely more dangers than any external Adversary could ever be."
But if Satan does not have any existence external to us, then how could Satan fall from heaven?

Verses to Share with Baha'is

Numbers 23:19; Hebrews 6:18 - God does not lie
John 14:6; Acts 4:12 - only way
Acts 1:11; Revelation 1:7 - Same Jesus, same way
1 Peter 2:4-8; John 5:21-23 - Christ the cornerstone
Php 2:9-11; 2 Cor 11:3-6 - Every knee will bow
1 Cor 15:1-6; John 20:27-28 - physical resurrection
Revelation 5:9-14; Matthew 14:33 - Christ worship
Matthew 24:4,26-27; Luke 17:23-24 - Do not go after those who claimed Christs. His return will be as obvious as lightning flashing.

How Baha'is Bend the Bible

Both Baha'u'llah and his predecessor the Bab tried to use a number of Bible verses to support their claim of being Christ returned. Here are some of the verses Baha'is use today, and answers to give Baha'is. This has 10 Old Testament passages, 7 passages from Revelation, and 9 passages from the rest of the New Testament.

Q1: Does Gen 1:26 mean that we should be educated to acquire divine perfections and the focus of divine blessings, as Bahai's teach in Some Answered Questions p.8,9?
A: No, because Genesis 1:27 says that God did what He said in Genesis 1:26. When Adam and Eve were created, they were perfectly sinless before the fall, and they did not need education. While we are still in the image of God, Genesis 1:26-28 refers to what God already accomplished.

Q2: In Gen 3:5-22, does Adam symbolize the heavenly spirit, Eve symbolize the earthly soul, and the serpent symbolize attachment to the human world as Bahai's teach in Some Answered Questions p.123?
A: No. People have been trying to get spiritual meanings contrary to the plain meaning in Genesis for centuries. Adam is definitely a male human, and Eve a female human, and adding this unwarranted interpretation makes men higher "heavenly spirits" and women "earthly souls". Instead, men and women are of equal and the same value in the eyes of God (Galatians 3:28).

Q3: Could Isa 9:1,6,7 refer to Baha'u'llah of the Baha'is, since Jesus did not have the government on His shoulders (Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.261-262)?
A: No, because the government never was on Baha'u'llah's shoulders. The government will be on Jesus' shoulders when Jesus comes again. This cannot refer to Baha'u'llah because:
a) Baha'u'llah was not called Mighty God (Isaiah 9:6)
b) Baha'u'llah did not do any shattering the yoke that burdens the people of Galilee as in the day of Midian's defeat. (Isaiah 9:4)
c) Baha'u'llah died before governing any lands, and Baha'is do not claim Baha'u'llah will come again.
d) While the Baha'is might wish to govern the world, their International House of Justice is an irrelevancy as far as politics and government in the 20th and 21st century are concerned.

Q4: Could Isa 11:1-10 refer to Baha'u'llah of the Baha'is, because part of that has not been fulfilled yet? For example, slaying the wicked, lion and ox lying down together, etc. (Some Answered Questions p.62-66 and Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.266-267)
A: No. While Christ fulfilled some in His first coming, some will be fulfilled in His second coming. The reason Baha'is are twisting this passage, and it does not refer to Baha'u'llah, is that
Jesus, not Baha'u'llah was descendant of Jesse (Isaiah 11:1,10)
Jesus, not Baha'u'llah "with his breath of his lips will slay the wicked" (Isaiah 11:4b). With Baha'u'llah, the opposite occurred, many Baha'is were struck down, it was not Baha'u'llah doing the slaying.
The lion and ox, and other animals did not lie down together when the Baha'u'llah came either. (Isaiah 11:6-8)
The gospel of Jesus fulfills "the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD" (Isaiah 11:9). As of today, most of the people of the world have no idea who Baha'u'llah claimed to be.

Q5: Could Isa 35:1,2 refer to Baha'u'llah of the Bahai's, because it refers to the parched land being glad, and Lebanon and Carmel, where the Baha'u'llah spent the last years of his life?
A: Jesus was in that area too, so the mention of those places in and of itself does not give preference to Baha'u'llah over Jesus. Unlike the prophecy in Isaiah 35:1,2 few people in Lebanon or Israel "rejoiced greatly" over Baha'u'llah being there. When the British took over the region after World War I, the Muslims pretty much continued to do their thing, the Druze stayed doing their thing, the Jews later entered Israel and there were fierce wars (not rejoicing) between the two, and I have not heard of a lot of rejoicing that area since Baha'u'llah went there. This is not implying in any way that Baha'u'llah caused all of the strife and suffering over there; rather as far as the rejoicing or suffering over in Mt. Carmel Baha'u'llah was irrelevant.

Q6: Could Isa 40:1-5a refer partly to John the Baptist and Christ, and partly to the Bab and Baha'u'llah, as Baha'is teach in Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.263-264?
A: No. Their explanation is interesting. They say this cannot refer only to John the Baptist and Christ, because the warfare of Jerusalem has not been completed "her hard service has been completed" Isa 40:2b. However, her warfare was not completed in Baha'u'llah's time either. Without that, there is nothing in this that suggests the Bab and Baha'u'llah. Furthermore, where did the Bab ever say "Prepare the way of the Lord". He taught that he was the manifestation of God, and that another manifestation would not appear for another 1,000 years.
Baha'is say Baha'u'llah means "glory of God" in Arabic, and Isaiah 40:5 uses the phrase "glory of the LORD", but it says that all mankind will see it/him. Now Baha'is say this title refers to a person, not his laws or organization. But when Baha'u'llah died, a very, very small percentage of the world's population had ever heard of him. Unless they are thinking of displaying his decaying body to everyone, the whole world will not see whom they call "the glory of God."

Q7: In Dan 8:13-17, could the 2,300 evenings and mornings be a prophecy the 2,300 years from the decree of Artaxerxes [allegedly 457 B.C.] to the manifestation of the Bab in 1844 A.D. as Baha'is claim? (Some Answered Questions p.40-42)
A: No, there are four problems with this.
Wrong type of years: 1844 (A.D.) + 457 (B.C.) -1 (no 0 A.D.) = 2300 (365.25 day years). However, prophetic years in the Bible are 360-day religious years, no 365.25 day years.
Wrong duration: 2,300 is evenings and mornings, and nothing in Daniel says "evenings and mornings" are years.
Wrong starting point: The decree was in the 20th year of the reign of Artaxerxes according to Nehemiah 2, so the starting point was 445/444 B.C., not 457 B.C.. 457 B.C was merely a decree from Artaxerxes confirming Cyrus' earlier decree that the Jews could return to Jerusalem.
Wrong ending point: If you look at the rest of the words, not just the numbers, 2,300 evenings and mornings is the time when the sanctuary was brought low until the sanctuary is reconsecrated. Baha'is would have to mean that God's sanctuary was trampled and brought low when this Persian named Artaxerxes became king; it remained low through the time of Jesus until the Bab.
Conclusion: The only things Baha'u'llah got wrong were the duration, starting point, and ending point. In other words, everything!

Q8: Could Dan 12:6 refer to the Bab as Baha'is claim, since he appeared 1,260 years from the Hejira of Mohammed? (Some Answered Questions p.43)
A: No. They claim this because 3 1/2 times or 3 1/2 lunar 360-day years is 360 * 3 1/2 = 1260 days. They say a day is a year, and the Bab appeared 1,260 lunar years from the Hejira of Mohammed.
First of all days does not mean years here. Second, the starting date they want to use is not what the Bible says. Besides doing unwarranted mathematical gymnastics to arrive at a number, you have to also read what the end point is in Daniel 12:1-4. At this time multitudes of people will be raised from sleeping in the dust, and Michael, who protects the Jewish people will arise. This certainly did not happen; especially since the Holocaust happened after this.
Basically Baha'is take nearly every Bible prophecy that proclaims future knowledge or deliverance, and begs the question by applying it to the Baha'u'llah. Then they can say, "See, this prophecy was fulfilled, therefore Baha'u'llah is true."

Q9: In Dan 12:11-12, does the 1,290 days refer to Baha'ullah being 1,290 years after Mohammed announced his mission as Bahai's claim in Some Answered Questions p.43-44?
A: Baha'u'llah made his claim 19 years after the Bab, so one would think they would say it was 1279 years. However, since that does not fit 1,290 years, they move the starting date back to approximately when Mohammed said he was a prophet.

Q10: Do Joel 2:30-32 and Mt 24:29-30 refer to Moses, Christ, and Mohammed, their teachings originally being a sun, but they all being darkened by corruption later on? This is what Baha'is teach in Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.277-278.
A: No. Not only will Christ come in the literal clouds, as Acts 1:9-11 shows, but God Almighty can darken the sun and moon and He will do so. You do not have the luxury of just calling anything figurative that you want to not be true.

Q11: In the Gospels, is the mention of the darkness and earthquake and torn veil when Christ was crucified only figurative and did not actually happen, because they were not recorded anywhere else, as Some Answered Questions p.37-38 states?
A: Five writers DID mention the darkness when Jesus was crucified.
Thales (also spelled Thallus), was a non-Christian Palestinian historian, who wrote in 52 A.D., less than 20 years after the crucifixion. He wrote that darkness accompanied the crucifixion of Jesus.
Phlegon was a Carian Greek writer who wrote soon after 137 A.D.. He wrote that in the fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad [33 A.D.] there was "the greatest eclipse of the sun" and that "it became night in the sixth hour of the day [
12:00 noon] so that star even appeared in the heavens. There was a great earthquake in Bithynia, and many things were overturned in Nicea." (quoted from The Case for Christ p.111.)
The Christian writer Tertullian, writing about 200 A.D., in On Fasting chapter 10, also mentions the darkness accompanying Jesus' crucifixion.
The early writer Origen (writing 230-254 A.D.) mentions the darkness over the land, and the tombs split open in Against Celsus book 2 chapter 33.
Arnobius (wrote 297-303 A.D.) in Against the Heathen 54 mentions darkness during Jesus' death.
Some might argue that other cultures should have written about this too. This is not true if the darkness was only local. Also, unusual darkness was not always recorded. For example, it is computed that a solar eclipse darkened
Egypt on December 12, 504 B.C., yet there are no historical records, among the highly civilized Egyptians, or anyone else, about this. See for more info.

Q12: In Mt 12:31-32, does blasphemy against the Holy Spirit mean detesting the light by denying God's manifestations (such as Baha'u'llah) as Bahai's teach in Some Answered Questions p.127-128?
A: No, this is begging the question by assuming that since Baha'u'llah is the light, this verse proves that Baha'u'llah was the light. However, even for Jesus, notice that Matthew
12:31 he said that those who speak against Jesus will be forgiven, so speaking against a prophet of God is NOT blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

Q13: In Mt 16:27, does this refer not to the end of the earth, but the supreme manifestation of Baha'u'llah, as Baha'is teach in Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.268-269?
A: No, read the verse more carefully. It says the son of man will come in his Father's glory with his angels, and reward each person according to what he has done. Baha'u'llah did not have any angels anybody saw with him, and Baha'u'llah did not reward either the faithful Baha'is who were exiled or died, nor the Muslims who persecuted him.

Q14: Mt
22:14 does the phrase "many are called, few are chosen" refer to variations and degrees of faith and assurance, as Baha'is teach in Some Answered Questions p.129-131?
A: No. If you read the entire parable in Matthew 22:1-14, it puts people in two categories: those who enter in to the wedding banquet and those who do not enter. Many are called but few are chosen refers to those invited to enter but who refused, and a man who wanted to enter in with improper clothes.
There is a lesson for everyone here. You cannot just read a single verse of the Bible, ignoring what is written before or after, and expect to correctly interpretation the meaning.

Q15: In Mt 24:30 are clouds things that are contrary to the ways and desires of men as Baha'is teach in Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.280-281?
A: No. Not only will everyone see Jesus, when he returns in the clouds, and the peoples of the earth mourn because of him (Revelation 1:7), but the same Jesus will return in the clouds exactly the same way as He left according to Acts 1:9-11.

Q16: In Jn 3:13 and Jn 6:38,42, does Christ coming down from heaven only a spiritual symbolic fact, not a material fact as Baha'is teach in Some Answered Questions p.103-105?
A: No. 'Abdu'l-Baha claims this because John 3:13f says, "...but He that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven," at the time that Jesus was on earth. (p.103).
First of all, this last phrase is a manuscript variation that is not present in the earliest manuscripts, though it is in the later Byzantine Lectionary. It is strange to base a doctrine on just one variant.
Second, Jesus' divine nature can still be considered in heaven as well as earth according to the New Geneva Study Bible p.1665.
Finally, and most importantly, even if you do accept the manuscript variation, within the same verse it says that Jesus came down from Heaven. It is trivial to show from the Bible that Jesus existed in Heaven prior to the incarnation, and that same Jesus "came down" is a material fact.

Q17: In Jn
16:12-13 is the Spirit of Truth here Baha'u'llah?
A: No, the Spirit of truth here is a spirit, not a person. It is the same Holy Spirit Jesus was just talking about in John 14-16. You cannot say in John 16:12-13 "spirit" refers to one person, and spirit refers to the Holy Spirit or something else in John 14:16-18,25-26; 15:26; 16:5-11; 16:14-15.

Q18: Is 1 Cor
15:22 false because all of the prophets were sinless, as Baha'is teach in Some Answered Questions p.118-121?
A: 1 Corinthians 15:22 says that all descendents of Adam sinned, and that includes all the prophets except Jesus. It is a common Muslim misconception, which Baha'is have inherited that all of the prophets were sinless. Yet this leads to strange contradictions. Jonah (the godly prophet Yunus to Muslims) ran away to Tarshish and was swallowed by a great fish. Was there no sin in running away? Adam is considered a prophet by Muslims, yet if he did not sin in the Garden of Eden, doesn't your definition of sin become a meaningless phrase? Moses was forbidden to enter the Promised Land because of his losing his temper at Meribah. Since the Lord was angry with Moses in Deuteronomy
3:26, can the Lord be angry with someone who has never sinned?
There is a lesson for everyone here. Sometimes people's distorted preconceptions almost force them to twist the Bible to suite their preconceptions.

Q19: In 1 Cor 15:51-52, do the terms life and death here mean just faith and unbelief, as Baha'is teach in Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.270?
A: No, scripture is consistent that there will be a physical resurrection.
Besides 1 Corinthians 15:51-52, see:
Dan 12:2 "Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt."
Rev 20:5 "(The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection.)"
1 Sam 2:6
"The Lord brings death and make alive; he brings down to the grave and raises up."
Psalm 49:14 "But God will redeem my soul from the grave; he will surely take me to himself."
Psalm 22:29, "...all who go down to the dust will kneel down to Him..."
Psalm 23:6 After telling about the shadow of death in Psalm 23:4, David says, "He will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."
Psalm 49:8-9 "The ransom for a life is costly, no payment is ever enough - that he should live on forever and not see decay."
Psalm 52:8-9 "I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever. I will praise you forever... I will praise you in the presence of your saints."
Isaiah 25:7-8 "On this mountain he [God] will destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the sheet that covers all nations; he will swallow up death forever...."
Isaiah 53:8-10 After saying the one who suffers for us will be killed and put in the grave of a rich man in verses 8-9, yet he shall see his offspring in verse 10.
All these verse are quoted from the NIV.

Q20: In Rev 11, could the two witnesses be Mohammed and 'Ali as the Bahai's say? (Some Answered Questions p.43-61)
A: No for the following eleven reasons.
1. Rev 11:3 says they will prophesy for 1,260 days. Mohammed made very few prophecies, and 'Ali was never considered a prophet.
2. Rev 11:5 says that if anyone tries to harm them fire devours their enemies. Mohammed was poisoned (but barely survived), and 'Ali was assassinated by a Muslim. 'Ali's cause was defeated by Mu'awiyah, and his son Husain was slain. He did not devour his enemies, he was killed by them.
3. Rev 11:6 The two prophets can shut up the sky so that it will not rain. Mohammed never claimed to do that, and neither did 'Ali.
4. Rev 11:6 Mohammed and 'Ali did not turn waters into blood, as almost all of the people they beheaded, burned, or otherwise slew were not by rivers. If a Salafi Muslim argues that they made rivers of blood that does not count, because Rev 11:6 says they turned waters into blood.
5. Rev 11:7-8 Mohammed was not killed by violence, and in both cases their bodies were not put on humiliating public display.
6. Rev 11:8 their bodies were not put in the street of a great city. In fact, relatively few saw 'Ali die.
7. Rev 11:9 Everybody did not gaze at their dead bodies and refuse them burial. Mohammed in particular was buried rather promptly by followers.
Rev 11:10 Who sent out lots of gifts when Mohammed and 'Ali were killed?
Rev 11:11 There is a small sect of Muslims, called Muhammadiyya, that claims that Mohammed never died. The Saba'iyya are a small sect of Muslims that claim 'Ali never died. Except for these small groups, Muslims have no basis for saying either Mohammed or 'Ali were raised back to life.
Rev 11:12 Muslims never say Mohammed and 'Ali did not ascend to heaven in a cloud. (Though Muhammadiyya and Saba'iyya might disagree.)
Rev 11:13 There was not a severe earthquake when either Mohammed or 'Ali left the earth in a non-existent cloud.
The point is not whether you can allegorize away some of these reasons. The point is that if even one of these reasons cannot be allegorized away, then the prophecy does not refer to them.

Q21: In Rev 11:2, can the mention of Jerusalem being trampled for 42 months mean the time between the Hejira of Mohammed and the revelation of the Bab in 1260 A.D. as Baha'is teach in Some Answered Questions p.46-47?
A: No. Abdu'l-Baha claims that since a day is [allegedly] always a year, that is 1,260 years. But consider this: if day here really meant day, how could God communicate this in a way that they would accept it? No, there is no reason to doubt that days means days here.
Furthermore, if the 42 months was the time when the Gentiles were trampling the holy city, then this interpretation would mean that Mohammed in
Medina, and Mohammed later in Mecca was include din the time when the holy city was getting trampled.
Actually Rev 11:2 relates to the same subject as Daniel 12:6.

Q22: Was
Rev 11:12-13 fulfilled by an earthquake in Shiraz when the Bab was killed as Baha'is say in Some Answered Questions p.55-56?
A: No. First of all, I have not seen any evidence of an earthquake in
Shiraz at this time. Second, if Baha'is want to make Rev 11 refer to Mohammed and 'Ali, and then they switch the subject to the Bab in Revelation 11:12-13, they cannot have their cake and eat it too. Either The Bab was one of the two witnesses or he was not. If he was not, then it is stretching the Bible to take this verse in isolation and say it refers to the Bab.

Q23: In
Rev 11:14-15, is Mohammed the first woe, and the Bab the second woe, as Some Answered Questions p.56-57 says?
A: Baha'is can say Mohammed is the first woe if they want, but I do not think they would want to say that, if they read what the first woe really was. The first woe, the fifth trumpet, is described thoroughly in Revelation 9:1012. Hellish Locusts from the abyss sting the non-believers on the earth. They tortured them for 42 months. It will be so painful that the people will want to die, but death will elude them.
The sixth woe, the sixth trumpet, is when the four angels at the
Euphrates river let loose 200,000,000 mounted troops to kill 1/3 of mankind. Do Baha'is really want to say the Bab loosed forces that killed 1/3 of mankind?

Q24: Rev 12:1 is the woman the law of God under Mohammed, and the male child the new law of God under Baha'u'llah as Bahai's teach in Some Answered Questions p.67-72?
A: No. Bahai's as well as Muslims do not accept the authority today of Christ in Revelation
12:10, because they think His words have been corrupted. They do not overcome the beast by the blood of the lamb in Revelation 12:11. If only they would understand the importance of the blood of the lamb!

Q25: In Rev 12:3, was the enormous red dragon the evil Umayyad Dynasty (Abu Bakr, 'Umar, 'Uthman, Mu'awiyah, etc.) who had seven dominions:
Rome around Damascus, Persian, Arabian, Egyptian, Africa, Spain, and Turks of Transoxania as Baha'is teach in Some Answered Questions p.69-70?
A: No. Baha'is claim the ten heads were ten commanders: starting with Abu Sufyan, and ending with Marwan. They also admit there are more than ten people, but since there are two Mu'awiyah's, three Yazids, two Walid's, and two Marwan's, if you count the names without repetition, then it comes to ten!
In reality, the beast is Satan, because Revelation
12:10 calls the beast the accuser of our brethren. The beast is after Christ and Christians, because Rev 12:10 speaks of the authority of God's Christ. Note that the woman was taken care of by God for 1,260 days. Now how could she be taken care of if the Umayyads trampled the sanctuary for 1,260 days?

Q26: In Rev 21:1-3 is the first heaven and earth signify the old law and the new heaven and earth the new law under Baha'u'llah, and no sea means all will follow Baha'u'llah, as Baha'is teach in Some Answered Questions p.67-68?
A: No. Revelation 21:2 says the New Jerusalem is as a bride for her husband (God). We Christians are metaphorically the bride of Christ, not some law. Revelation 21:4-5 says that God will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will not be any more death, mourning or crying or pain. This prophecy was not fulfilled during the lifetime of Baha'u'llah. This will not be fulfilled until after the return of Christ.

Index of Baha'i Writings

Baha'u'llah and the New Era

Baha'u'llah and the New Era - Revised Edition by J.E. Esslemont. Baha'i Publishing Committee 1930, 1940
Baha'u'llah would smoke the Narguileh (hubble-bubble pipe). Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.47
A minority under Mirza Yahya were violently opposed to Baha'u'llah. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.40
Baha'u'llah died of fever in
5/29/1892 when he was 74 years old. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.50
Baha'u'llah left a last will and testament naming Abd'ul Baha as his successor. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.50-51
Baha'u'llah spoke as a man Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.54, but he also spoke "from the state of deity." Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.56
Baha'is use Sufi concepts of annihilation in God and abnegation. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.54
Baha'u'llah claimed to be the Zoroastrian savior Shah Bahram, who overcomes the spirit Ahriman. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.57-58
In the Epistle of the Wolf, Baha'u'llah said he never had the time or opportunity to read the writings of the Bab. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.60
'Abdu'l-Baha ('Abbas Effendi) was born in Tihran/Tehran on 5/23/1844, the very same hour that the Bab declared his mission. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.64
'Abdu'l-Baha committed to memory the tablets of the Bab. [This is strange, since his father Baha'u'llah never read them.] Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.66
Sufis such as 'Ali Shawkat Pasha visited Baha'u'llah. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.66
When Abdu'l Baha succeeded Baha'u'llah, some Baha'is contested and stirred up trouble with the Turkish government. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.69
The Indian caste system was not right. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.70
Abdu'l Baha promoted Esperanto too. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.76. Though it is not official that it has to be Esperanto. Ibid p.202
9/23/1918, British and Indian cavalry captured Haifa from the Turks. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.80
Abdu'l Baha would go to the mosque. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.82
Abdu'l Baha died
11/28/1921. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.82
Flattering definition of a Baha'i, would [presumably] include Azalis and Orthodox Baha'i too. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.90
Baha'is do not worship the human personality of Baha'u'llah, but the glory of God manifest through that personality. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.91
They accept that Jesus said, "Take up your cross and follow me." Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.92
It is necessary for everyone to recognize Baha'u'llah. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.93
Mention of Baha'u'llah's Tablet of Tarazat. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.94
Baha'is want to be God's lover and friend. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.95
Mention of the tablet of Tajalliyat. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.99
Baha'is do not force their beliefs on others. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.101
[Unlike Muslims] Baha'is are not allowed to curse others. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.102
Treat others as rare and beautiful plants. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.103
No fault finding. Unlike the impossible sermon on the Mount, Baha'is are supposed to obey every word of Baha'u'llah and 'Abdu'l Baha. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.104
Look at your own faults, not others. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.105-106
Baha'is are forbidden to confess their sins to priests. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.106
Baha'is should be honest. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.107
Self-realization of the true inner self. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.108
Prayer is communication with God [and with the dead]. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.110
People must be liberated from the bondage of self. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.113
People need a mediator like Christ or Baha'u'llah between them and God. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.114
Bahai's should chant the words of God every morning and evening.114
Animal food is not forbidden, but the food of the future is fruits and vegetables. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.125-126
For Baha'is no alcohol, except medicinally. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.126
For Baha'is no gambling, but other games of chance are OK. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.126-127
No alcohol or opium for Baha'is. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.128
Using regular doctors is OK. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.130-131
Baha'is believe in miraculous healing by the Holy Spirit. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.133-134
Baha'is desire a future golden age on earth. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.140
Strange quote of Mohammed's. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.142-143
Misrepresentation of Mohammed. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.145
Baha'is advocate visiting other people's places of worship. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.148
Baha'is easily believe a prophet can abrogate a previous prophet's teaching. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.152
All prophets of God are infallible. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.153
Lawb-i-Aqdas (Book of Aqdas) is addressed to Christians. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.154
Mention of the Father. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.154,269
Baha'u'llah is unique among the prophets. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.155
We have at present very few words of the previous prophets. The means for recording Mohammed's teaching are in many respects unsatisfactory. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.157
Baha'u'llah wrote that 'Abdu'l-Baha was his successor [but not another manifestation]. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.158
Mention of the Tablet of the Branch. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.159
The International House of Justice is defined in the Testament of 'Abdu'l-Baha. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.160
Baha'is believe in free will. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.161
Baha'is have no professional priesthood. It was fine in former times, but not now. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.161-163
Baha'is advocate increasing percentage tax rate with more wealth. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.174-175
Baha'is believe making reasonable interest on money is OK. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.177
No chattel or industrial slavery. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.178
Unlike Muslims, Baha'is can have anyone inherit any amount they wish. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.180
Equality of men and women, including in education. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.180-181
Mention of [Queen] Zenobia and Mary Magdalene. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.182
Baha'i women is some countries wear veils to not stir up Muslim violence. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.184-185
Quote from the Tablet of the World. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.186
Mention of Tablet of Tajalliyat. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.188
Christ saying to turn the other cheek meant no personal revenge. The community has the right of defense and self-protection. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.189
Christ saying turn the other cheek showed he was against personal revenge. The community had the right of defense and self-protection though. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.189
Mention of the language Esperanto. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.200
Baha'is are committed to a universal language, but they are not committed to Esperanto. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.202
"As a religious body, Baha'is have, at the express command of Baha'u'llah, entirely abandoned the use of armed force in their own interests, even for strictly defensive purposes." Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.207. [In contradiction], nations can fight to prevent oppression or themselves or other nations. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.209
For marriage there must be the consent of all parents. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.214
Divorce is said to be a rare occurrence among Baha'is. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.215
The Baha'i calendar is 19 months of 19 days. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.217-218
Baha'is cannot take other Baha'is to secular court. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.219
Help the poor regardless of color or creed. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.220
They fast from sunrise to sunset [like Muslims] Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.223
Not meet and permissible to reveal to men what all happens to the soul after death. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.230
kingdom of God is free from time and place. It is another world and universe. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.231
The creation of heaven and Hell are symbolic and not literally true. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.231
Baha'is can pray for the dead, and unbelievers and become believers after they die. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.232,236
We should not seek to communicate with departed spirits. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.235
The dead can help those here too. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.235
Evil does not exist, except as a lack or deprivation of good. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.237
In 1600 B.C. Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake, and Galileo recanted on his knees, for saying the earth goes around the sun. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.241. This is not the whole story. While Bruno did teach the earth revolved around the sun, the Catholic Church was captured him while in
Venice because he was a pantheist who attacked Christianity.
Zamenhoff was allegedly persecuted for inventing the Esperanto language. They claim that even Esperanto "has had it martyrs". Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.242
The plagues of
Egypt and Joshua' long day are not literally true. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.243
They believe that "No truth can contradict another truth." Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.245
God comprehends all, but we cannot comprehend God. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.245-246
Creation is without a beginning in time according to Baha'u'llah. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.249
"...the crude and bald account given in the Hebrew scriptures." It had its purpose in the past though. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.249-250
Adam and Eve and the fruit are only symbolic. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.252
Evil is a slavish thing, an isolating madness. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.254
People are all fruits of one true, leaves of one branch, the flowers of one garden. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.254
The Jews killed Jesus. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.260
"The throne upon which He [Christ] has is the Eternal Throne from which Christ reigns for ever, a heavenly throne, not an earthly one, for the things of earth pass away but heavenly things pass not away. He re-interpreted and completed the Laws of Moses and fulfilled the Law of the Prophets. His Word conquered the East and the West. His Kingdom is everlasting. 'He exalted those Jews who recognized Him.... The animals who were to live with one another signified the different sects and races, who, once having been at war, were now to dwell in love and charity, drinking together the Water of Life from Christ the Eternal Spring.'" Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.260 quoted from Wisdom of 'Abdu'l-Baha p.48.
Isaiah 9:2-7 can fairly be applied to Christ (2,000 years ago), but more fully and aptly applied to Baha'u'llah. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.261-262
From the rising of the sun refers to Baha'u'llah coming from
Iran to Palestine. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.264
Isa 11, etc. prophecies of the branch refer to 'Abdu'l-Baha. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.265
Mt 26:27;
13:40-43 were said by Christ and refer to Baha'u'llah. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.268
Mention of the Book of Iqan. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.270,274,280
Resurrection has nothing to do with the gross physical body. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.271,272
Mention of Acts
1:11 and John the Baptist in the spirit of Elijah. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.272-273
Mention of Luke
21:20-24 and Matthew 24:4-14 as by Christ. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.274-275. Also Mt 24:29-30 p.277-278
Sun, moon, and stars in the last days are not literal. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.278-279
Mention of Matthew 24 and 25. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.280-181
Very brief quote, without explanation, of Mal 3,4. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.283-284
Mention of Dt
18:22 Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.285
Mention of Isa 55:10,11. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.285-286
Mention of Mt 11:4-6 Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.286
Alleged proof of very generic prophecy. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.286
Mention of
Surat Haykal, which has letters to heads of state. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.289
Prophecy of Germany. Baha'u'llah and the
New Era p.290
of "Ta" is somehow Tehran in Iran. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.291-292
Baha'u'llah prophesied a peaceful and quite calm for
Iran. This is already been started and "signs are not lacking that a brighter era is at hand." [prior to Khomeini] Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.292
Mention of Daniel
12:12,13. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.302
1,335 years from Hejira. 622 A.H = 1957 A.D.
Baha'u'llah and the New Era
At-one-ment Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.311
Abolish both chattel and industrial slavery. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.312
The Bab's only child died in infancy. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.315
Shoghi Effendi's mother was Ziaiyyia Khanum, who was the oldest daughter of Abd'ul-Baha, son of Baha'u'llah. Ziaiah was also related to the Bab. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.315
A prophecy of a war fiercer than
World War I. Baha'u'llah and the New Era p.332

Notes on Some Answered Questions - Unfinished

'Abdu'l-Baha (Laura Clifford Barney translator) Some Answered Questions. Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1908,10390,1954,1981.
Bah'ai is "a new and independent world religion" Some Answered Questions p.ix
The fundamental principles proclaimed by Baha'u'llah are that religious truth is not absolute but relative; that Divine Revelation is a continuous and progressive process; that all the great religions of the world are divine in origin; and that their missions represent successive stages in the spiritual evolution of human society." Some Answered Questions p.xii
No reincarnation. Some Answered Questions p.xii
More important, the book [Some Answered Questions] has assumed a significant place in the sacred literature of the Faith, being one of the very few compilations of 'Abdu'l-Baha's utterances authenticated by 'Abdu'l-Baha himself."
Mention of the telegraph. Some Answered Questions p.4
God has to possess all perfections in order to create. Some Answered Questions p.5
Non-sequiter. The imperfections of the contingent world are in themselves a proof of the perfections of God. (This was sort of an ontological argument.) Some Answered Questions p.5
", if he is left without education, becomes bestial, ... whereas if he is educated he becomes an angel...." Some Answered Questions p.7
Misinterpretation of Genesis 1:26. Some Answered Questions p.8,9
The Bab was descended from Mohammed. Some Answered Questions p.13 and footnote 1 p.13
Mentioned of Joseph, Hagar, and Ishmael. Some Answered Questions p.13
Claim that Socrates visited
Syria and took from the Israelites the teachings of the unity of God and immortality of the soul. Later the people of Greece accused him of impiety and had him executed by poison. Some Answered Questions p.14-15
Moses was a stammerer, who killed an Egyptian, and afterwards was raised to the rank of prophet. Some Answered Questions p.15
Alleged that in Jesus' time, the slightest deviation from Judaism exposed the offender to danger or to death. Some Answered Questions p.16
Christ abrogated the laws of Moses. Some Answered Questions p.16
Weird quote allegedly from Christ. Some Answered Questions p.17
Mohammed's military expeditions were [allegedly] always defensive. Some Answered Questions p.18
False in Pre-Islam: Arabs told their wives, if a daughter is born to you I will kill you. Some Answered Questions p.19
In pre-Islamic
Arabia a man could take 1,000 women, and most men had more than ten wives. [The math here is interesting since they buried baby daughters.] Some Answered Questions p.19
"They were like a man holding in his hand a cup of poison, which, when about to drink, a friend breaks and thus saves him." Some Answered Questions p.21
False: Mohammed never fought against the Christians. Some Answered Questions p.21
Christians did not have to fight in Muslim armies, but in compensation for this, they had to pay a small sum of money. Some Answered Questions p.21
Mention of the false claim that Mohammed cleft/split the moon in two. Some Answered Questions p.22
Alleged that everyone said the earth was the center of the universe. Some Answered Questions p.23
Qur'an says the sun moves in a fixed place (Sura 36:37 and each star moves in its own heaven. (Sura 36:38). Some Answered Questions p.23
"Baha'u'llah appeared at a time when the
Persian Empire was immersed in profound obscurantism and ignorance and lost in the blindest fanaticism." Some Answered Questions p.27
"Briefly, we will say that Persian had fallen so low that to all foreign travelers it was a matter of regret that this country, which in former times had been so glorious and highly civilized, had now become so decayed, ruined and upset, and that is population had lost its dignity." Some Answered Questions p.27
Baha'u'llah wrote a letter to Napoleon
III, prophesying that his kingdom will be taken away and he will be destroyed.Germany defeated Napoleon III in 1870 A.D. Some Answered Questions p.32-33
Baha'u'llah was alleged by some as an enemy of the Shah, but he was not really an enemy of the Shah. Some Answered Questions p.33
Most prophecies alleged fulfilled in the Tablets to the Kings. Some Answered Questions p.33
Siyyid Davudi, a Sunni from
Baghdad, wrote a short work on miracles of Baha'u'llah. Some Answered Questions p.34
Baha'u'llah never studied Arabic, but Arabic scholars said his eloquence and elegance in Arabic was unequaled. Some Answered Questions p.34
His enemies allegedly planned to crucify and destroy Baha'u'llah. Some Answered Questions p.35
Mention of the darkness and earthquake and torn veil when Christ was crucified. However, these were not recorded anywhere else, or figurative and did not actually happen. Some Answered Questions p.37-38
Mention of Numbers
14:34 (one year of wandering for each of the 40 days they explored Canaan) is mentioned to justify that one day - one year in Daniel. Some Answered Questions p.40
Mention of 70 weeks in Daniel 9:29. Some Answered Questions p.40-43
Dan 12:6 referring to the Bab, since he appeared 1,260 days from the Hejira of Mohammed. Some Answered Questions p.42
Mention of Baha'ullah 1,290 days (years) after Mohammed. Some Answered Questions p.43-44
Mention of the Father. Some Answered Questions p.43
In Rev 11, mention of
Jerusalem being trampled for 42 months refers to the time between the Hejira of Mohammed and the revelation of the Bab in 1260 A.D. Some Answered Questions p.46-47
Mention of Rev 12. Some Answered Questions p.67-72
Things such as fasting, prayer, worship, marriage and divorce, abolition of slavery, indemnities for murder, theft, injuries, refers to material things and is altered in each prophetic cycle according to the times. Some Answered Questions p.48
Positive mention of the law and teachings of Mohammed, and the explanations and commentaries of 'Ali. Some Answered Questions p.50
Water turn to blood in Rev 11 means the prophethood of Mohammed and the power of 'Ali were like the prophethood of Moses and the power of Joshua. Some Answered Questions p.50
The beast who attacked the two prophets in Rev 11 is the [Muslim] Omayyad/Umayyad Dynasty who rose against the religion of Mohammed and the reality of 'Ali. [The Umayyads are the first caliphs or Abu Bakr, 'Umar, Mu'awiyah, Yezid, etc.] Some Answered Questions p.51
After the martyrdom of the Bab, there was an earthquake in
Shiraz and many people were destroyed, and there were great plagues. This allegedly fulfilled Rev 11:12-13. Some Answered Questions p.55-56
In Rev 11:14-15, is Mohammed the first woe, and the Bab the second woe. Some Answered Questions p.56-57
In Moses' time there were 12 chiefs of tribes, in Christ's time there were 12 apostles, and in Mohammed's time there were 12 imams. 24 is the double of 12 for Baha'u'llah. Some Answered Questions p.57-58
Mention of Isaiah 11. Some Answered Questions p.62-66
Christ called himself the Son of God. Some Answered Questions p.63
Isa 11:1-10 refers to Baha'u'llah. Some Answered Questions p.62-63
The lion lying down with the lamb was fulfilled under Baha'u'llah when people of different religions associated together. Some Answered Questions p.65
The branch is Baha'u'llah. Some Answered Questions p.65
New Jerusalem is interpreted the Law of God. Some Answered Questions p.68
The sun and moon are interpreted as the Ottoman and Persian empires. Some Answered Questions p.68
The seven heads of Satan are the seven regions the Umayyads controlled. Ten horns are the distinct names of Umayyads rulers. Even though there were more than ten rulers, many had the same names. Some Answered Questions p.69-70
Analogy of the signs of the zodiac. Some Answered Questions p.76
An analogy of a butterfly always being attracted to the light. [Actually butterflies are not attracted to light; moths are.] Some Answered Questions p.77.
The Holy Spirit descending like a dove, and God appearing as a pillar of fire, cannot be material things. Some Answered Questions p.85

Notes on The Glory of Christ

"There is only one Christ. This has always been true, and always will be. Christ is unique, unchanging, indivisible, peerless, and incomparable - 'the Alpha and Omega (Rev. 1:8). We can never adequately express His glory, nor can we exaggerate His importance. Only through Him can we approach God. This understanding is absolutely central to the Baha'i Faith."
The theological view (which we explore here) emphasizes His divinity as a 'quickening spirit', as a member of the Holy Trinity, as an incarnation of God, and as the Son of God. Let us consider each of these stations in light of the Bible."
"As an expression of God's nature, Christ is called 'the Word' (Logos): 'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God' (John 1:1; emphasis added). This verse suggests that the preexistent Christ-spirit is in one sense identical with God (He 'was' God) and in another sense distinct (He was 'with' God). Many similar Bible passages illustrate the same paradox: Some speak of Christ and God interchangeably, while other distinguish between them."
"The truth of Divine Incarnation, like that of the Trinity, becomes clear through the Bible teaching that we behold 'the image of the invisible God' (Col. 1:15) reflected 'as in a glass' or mirror (II Cor
3:18). As the perfect mirror of Divine Reality, Christ's human soul was associated while on earth with a physical body. The Incarnation thus refers to the fullness of God's nature rather than his literal essence."
"The Divine Sonship of Christ did not begin, then, with the Virgin Birth. It is inherent in His spiritual identity which, according to Paul, existed, 'before all things' and remains the creative force by which 'all things consist' (
Col 1:17)
"From this point of view, there is only one Christ. There cannot be two Christs, or ten; Christ cannot have a predecessor, successor, substitute or replacement. He is the only avenue through which we can know God: 'No man cometh unto the Father, but by me' (John 14:6)
"Baha'is believe that this same Divine Presence [Christ] has reappeared, in our day, as Baha'u'llah, founder and Central figure of the Baha'i Faith, fulfilling the Bible's promises concerning the 'return' of Christ. (The Glory of Christ Pamphlet)
'Jesus, the Spirit of God ... hath once more, in my person, been made manifest unto you (Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah 101).
The tract "Christianity and the Baha'i Faith" by Stonehaven Press 1997 says "From this point of view, Baha'u'llah is Jesus in every way that counts."

Other Groups Calling Themselves Baha'is

Be aware that the organization "Baha'is Under the Provision of the Covenant" is a different organization than the standard Baha'is. They are at: and

The Bab and Baha'u'llah were the resurrection of Yahya (John the Baptist) and Isa [Jesus]. These are the only two prophets whose resurrection has been foretold in the Qur'an. The Qur'an speaks of their resurrection in identical language. The Qur'an says, quoting Yahya:
"Peace be upon me (Yahya) the day I was born, the day I will die and the day I shall be raised to life."[9]
Regarding Jesus, it says:
"Peace be upon him (Jesus) the day he was born, the day he will die and the day he will be brought back to life."[10]
Regular Baha'is also believe Baha'u'llah is the return of Jesus Christ.

List of References

List of References on Baha'is

America's Challenge : World Peace Through Racial Unity. (pamphlet from "the Baha'i Faith") (no date)
A New Vision of Race Unity : An Abridged Summary of the Baha'i statement on the Oneness of Humanity
. Baha'i
National Center. 1997. (pamphlet)
Baha'is and the Bible
. Stonehaven Press (pamphlet) (no date)
Baha'u'llah : God's Messenger to Humanity
. National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the
United States. 1994 (pamphlet)
Barney, Laura Clifford (translator) 'Abdu'l-Baha Some Answered Questions. Baha'i Publishing Trust. 1981
Beckwith, Francis. Baha'i : Bethany House Publishers. 1985.
Browne, E.G. (translator) New History of the Bab
Browne, E.G. Babis of Persia II
Browne, Edward G. (translator) A Traveller's Narrative Written to Illustrate the Episode of the Bab, The University Press, 1918 p.175-243.
Christianity and the Baha'i Faith : Frequently Asked Questions. Stonehaven Press (pamphlet) (no date)
Baha'u'llah : A Brief Introduction to His Life and Work
. Baha'i International Community. 1991.
Douglas, J.D. New 20th-Century Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge 2nd edition. Baker Book House 1991.
Esslemont, J.E. Baha'u'llah and the New Era. Revised Edition. The Baha'i Publishing Committee 1940.
... is 1-12.html
Sobjani, Mouhebat (compiler) Baha'i : Teachings for the New World Order. Waldorf Enterprises. 1992-2003 (80 pg booklet)
The Baha'i' Faith : Its Principles and History
. Baha'i Publishing Trust. 1996,1997.(29 pg booklet)
The Glory of Christ : A Baha'i Testimony. Stonehaven Press (pamphlet) (no date)
The Light of Unity : The Power of Prayer
. Baha'i Publishing Trust. 1999.
The Promise of World Peace to the Peoples of the World
. A Statement by the Universal House of Justice. (12 pgs) (no date)
The Vision of Race Unity : America's Most Challenging Issue
. A Statement by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the
United States. 1991. (13 pgs)
Tangler, Howard. Who are the Baha'is? (pamphlet) 1993.

Selected List of References on Islam is a very extensive web site presenting and debating many aspects of Islam.
Hasan, Prof. Ahmad. Sunan Abu Dawud : English Translation with Explanatory Notes. Sh. Muhammad Ashraf Publishers, Booksellers & Exporters 1984 (three volumes)
The Holy Qur-an : English translation of the meanings and Commentary
. Translated by 'Abdullah Yusuf 'Ali. Revised and edited by The Presidency of Islamic Researches, IFTA, Call and Guidance. King Fahd Holy Qur-an Printing Complex. (no date)
Khan, Dr. Muhammad Muhsin (translator) The Translation of the Meanings of Sahih Al-Bukhari Arabic-English. Islamic University, Al-Medina Al-Munawwara AL MAKTABAT AL SALAFIAT AL MADINATO
AL MONAWART. No date or copyright.
Sahih Muslim
by Imam Muslim. Rendered into English by 'Abdul Hamid Siddiqi. International Islamic Publishing House. (no date)
Bible verses are from the NIV.

Defunct Web Pages

(www.) Acropolis/5111/mirza.html 11/13/2004

(www.) 11/13/2004

(www.) vol4/niraqi/niraqi.htm has more on the Bab appointing Mirza Yahya as his chosen successor.

Mulla Rajab 'Ali, nicknamed Qahir was a prominent Azali writer whom Azalis claim was murdered by Bahai's. (www.) ~bahai/arabic/vol4/qahir/qahir.htm. (11/13/2004)

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