These excellent Christian web-sites are all well-worth visiting. However, that
does not mean that we necessarily agree with every single statement that they
Apologetics and Evangelism
Got Questions? A good, Biblical ministry that has thousands of answer to questions on God, Jesus, the Bible, theology, and life issues.
About Bible Prophecy Analysis
and commentary on more than 100 of the Bible's prophecies leading up to and
including the End Times.
BibleSprout Bible resources that grow your faith. Grow deeper in God’s Word through hundreds of articles and access to the best Christian study resources on the web.
Access Research Network relates
Christianity to science, technology, and society.
Alpha Omega Ministries A Christian
Apologetics and Theology web page founded by James White to minister to
Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Catholics, and King James Only. is a mega-site of
Bible, Christian & religious information & studies, doctrine, news, prayer,
prophecy, sermons, spiritual warfare, statistics, tools, & tracts. Features the
Chronological 4 Gospels, Prayer Book, Prophecy Bible, the Audio KJV New
Testament, and a photo tour of Israel. If it's in the Bible, it
should be here. (approximately 6000 pgs & 4000 subjects).
Ankerberg Theological Institute has
a large number of useful TV shows, videotapes and written materials. They also have answers to a number of questions on Christianity and the Bible.
They have material on JW's, Masons, Mormons, the Occult and other topics.
Apologia Report is a
ministry to help advance historic biblical Christianity into the 21st century.
It surveys widely to identify the most valuable resources for aiding Christians
as they encounter competing truth claims. Whether you are
a student, at home or at work we want to help you to talk about the Christian gospel
in a way that is relevant, true, culturally aware and attractive. There are hundreds
of interesting articles and audio talks on for you to use and think through.
Christian Apologetics & Research Ministries has
a wide range of resources equip Christians with good information on doctrine,
various religious groups (Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc.), cults,
Evolution, New Age, and related subjects.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library is a
world-wide encyclopedia of Christian materials.
Christian Research and Evangelism has
some good articles on the errors of Open Theology and Jehovah's Witnesses.
Christian Witness Ministries is
committed to spreading the true Gospel of Christ and to maintaining "the faith
which was once for all delivered to the saints" - Jude 3 It is an Assembly of
God site that warns against the unbiblical practices of the Toronto Blessing
and Pensacola movements.
COnversational Evangelism from Norm Geisler International Ministries
Darkness to Light is a gospel and
apologetic ministry particularly for skeptics and atheists.
The Damaris Project by Nick Pollard
relates Christian faith and contemporary culture.
Faith Facts seeks to use
reason and evidence to promote Biblical Christianity
Grad Resources serves the
practical and emotional needs of Grad students.
Impact Apologetics has
material by Norm Geisler, a renown apologist who deals with philosophical
objections, Bible difficulties, and well as Muslims and various cults.
Internet Christian Library since 1992,
ICL has provided a home for many good Christian ministries.
Institute for Religious Research Resources for Investigating Today's Competing Religious Claims. Has material on Mormonism and Jehovah' Witnesses
Living Waters by Ray Comfort educates
God's people in the principals of Biblical evangelism; to encourage the Body of
Christ to faithfully fulfill the Great Commission; and to equip every individual
believer with the necessary resources to practically proclaim the everlasting gospel.
Meekness and Truth assists
other ministries with apologetic evangelism.
Miami Christian University a
virtual library on apologetics, evangelism, and creationism.
KJV Only , doug Kutilek shows the mistakes and misrepresenations of modern "KVJ-Only" advocates
such as Peter Ruckman, Gail Riplinger, David Cloud and others.
Probe Ministries has a number of
excellent resources, especially for college students.
Rational Christianity is
a combination of answers to many apologetic questions and an apologetics index.
Reachout Trust is an
international Christian ministry that upholds biblical truth and builds bridges
to those in the cults, occult, new age and new religious movements. Among other
things, they have information on Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, and Druids.
Ravi Zecharias International Ministries has
a mission to reach and challenge those who shape the ideas of a culture with the credibility of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Reasoning from the
Scriptures Ministries is a discipleship ministry that exists to help you grow strong in the Word of God and equip you to become knowledgeable
in the application of biblical wisdom.
Sakshi Times An Apologetics Network in India
(SAN) is a network of Christians committed to obey the Great Commission given by Lord Jesus Christ
through the apologetics as described and prescribed in the Holy Bible.
Sermon Index has a blog discussing Bible
questions as well as a catalog of a large number of sermons.
Stand to Reason by Greg Koukl, provides
the training to build a new generation of confident, courageous, yet winsome
and attractive ambassadors for Christ capable of restoring credibility to the
Christian world view. Stand to Reason trains Christians to think more clearly
about their faith and to make an even-handed, incisive, yet gracious defense
for classical Christianity and classical Christian values in the public square.
Stand to Reason has a strategy to change the world God gives us access to.
Our plan has six parts: Radio, Self-directed Training Curricula, Public
Speaking/Seminars, Publications, Cyberspace, and Outposts.
Tekton Apologetics Ministries is
committed to providing scholarly answers to serious questions which are often
posed on major and minor elements of the Christian faith. We believe in the
importance of sound Christian doctrine which is based on a careful exegetical
analysis of scriptures from the Holy Bible. We also believe that it is
important to incorporate the findings of various theological and scientific
disciplines in order to properly assess the veracity of scriptural evidences,
and to carefully evaluate issues which are relevant to the Church as a whole.
They have material on why Christianity did not borrow from various pagan
religions, Mormonism, alleged Bible Contradictions, and other topics.
Walter Martin Materials by the
famous late apologist Walter Martin. -Our hope is to provide answers to those
searching for spiritual direction in their lives, as well as encourage and
educate Christians to stand up for their faith.
We Spread the Word has a
large number of links to sites on apologetics, mission, prayer, churches,
Christian music, arts, and many other topics.
Xenos Christian Fellowship A
Bible-believing church in Columbus, Ohio.
Apologetic Indexes
Apologetics Index is
an online ministry whose primary aim is to provide Christians with apologetics
resources on cults, sects, other religious movements, doctrines and practices -
for research and ministry. A secondary task is to help non-Christians find
relevant information on the same subjects.
Links to Apologetics Sites provides
links to a number of good sites. They have info on abortion, ethics,
euthanasia, homosexuality, philosophy, science, and theology.
Not Just Bibles is a very extensive guide to apologetics resources on the Web.
Bible Colleges Search an extensive listing of accredited Christian Bible colleges at Find a program for your educational and spiritual needs!
Bibles and Bible Study Tools has Bible study tools and commentaries for your desktop or mobile device. It uses the .NET Bible trnaslation, with almost 61,000 footnotes. is a educational christian website focused on helping people know more about God's truth through reliance on scripture.
100 Free and Useful Online Tools to Study the Scripture has many useful sites for Bible study is an extensive site with 30 Bible translations, English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch.
It has Bible Commentaries, Concordances, Bible Concordances, Dictionaries Encyclopedias, Lexicons, and Maps. It also has resources on Church History and the Apocrypha.
Christian Web Rings
Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals has
links to Baptist, independent, Lutheran, Presbyterian, and Reformed web sites.
Berean Christian Research Ministries has a link to the top 1000 Baptist sites.
Christian Ring is an
association of a large number of web sites.
Christian Ring is an association
of a large number of web sites.
Leadership University is a large
collection of apologetics and other witnessing sites.
Bible-Traffic is a free
Christian advertizer that lists many sites.
Christian Web Hosting
Crossway ISP Crossway Christian ISP &
Christian Resource Center, in addition to providing web hosting, has a number
of links to Christian family resources, Christian resources, and news, weather,
and other resources in general.
Christian ISP and Christian Email Truepath
Christian Web Hosting and ISP provides reliable and easy-to-use web hosting and
email in a Christian-centered environment.
Edgar Cayce by Louis D. Whitworth
John Ankerberg
The End Times and Natural Disasters
Nearing the End is a discussion of evil and the end times for Christians and non-Christians, including Muslims.
Witnessing to Bah'ais
Baha'is part 1 Origins
Baha'is part 2 Will the real Mahdi please stand up?
Baha'is part 3 Who ar ethe real successors of the Muslim-executed Bab?
Baha'is part 4 The Baha'u'llah fails to prove he is really a prophet
Church of Christ
69 Church of Christ videos
Witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses
16+ videos on Jehovah's Witnesses
Failed 1914 predictions Facts about Jehovah's Witnesses
Ankerberg Theological Institute has
a large number of useful TV shows, videotapes and written materials. They also have answers to a number of questions on Christianity and the Bible. They have material on JW's, Masons, Mormons, the Occult and many other topics.
Reachout Trust is an international Christian ministry that upholds biblical truth and builds bridges
to those in the cults, occult, new age and new religious movements. Among other things, they have information on Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, and Druids.
Watchman Fellowship presents a readily accessible Christian response to cults and new religious movements.
They have material on JW's, Mormons, New Age, Occult, and Scientology.
Witness Inc. says how Jehovah's Witnesses can realize the truth of their organization by simply reading their own history.
Comments from the Friends by David Reed. Has Bible Answers on JW teaching and evidence of false prophecies and back-and-forth flip-flops.
JW Info Line by The MacGregors and Media Ministries. Has resources on reaching Jehovah's Witnesses and info on the annual Witnesses Now for Jesus Convention
Our You Tube Video The Jehovah's Witnesses' Fraudulent Bible: Evaluating the 'New World Translation' Verse by Verse
Jehovah's Witnesses: Deceived Deceivers #3 Egyptian Pyramids to Predict Future World Destruction
Andrew Murray and the Shepherd's Chapel An article by on Andrew Murray, who is a non-Trinitarian Oneness, British Israelitism, Serpent Seed, pre-existence of souls, annihilationism, and predicted the Antichirst would come in 1981.
Andrew Murray exposed, in his own words (and his 9mm gun)
Agony of the Phony Word-Faith TV Preachers #1-#5
Witnessing to Jewish People
American Messianic Fellowship International
was founded in 1887. While it has resources on building bridges to Jewish people, it also has a good question and answer section on Christian doctrine in general.
Ariel Ministries seeks to evangelize and disciple
our Jewish brethren, has been born from necessity to meet an urgent need. Ariel
means lion in Hebrew, and they seek to introduce Jews to the Lion of Judah.
Chosen People Ministries was
founded by Rabbi Leopold Cohn in 1894 after he met the Messiah. It has two web
sites: one for believers and one for seekers.
Discover Messiah is a spiritual journey that progressively unfolds, revealing the true identity of the long-awaited Jewish Messiah through the Hebrew Scriptures.
Jews for Jesus is a
well-established organization with two websites: one primarily for believers,
and the other is for seekers.
Menorah Ministries is a
Messianic Jewish resource and referral ministry about the Messiah,
helping others to know Him, the Bible, Biblical Jewish roots of Christianity,
Israel, Jesus (Yeshua), and God's plan of eternal redemption/salvation.
Wolves in Sheep's Clothing - Liberal Christianity #1 Denominational False Prophets - Acts 20:28-31
Wolves in Sheeps' Clothing - Liberal Christianity #2 Neo-Orthodoxy - Gospel Redefinition
Witnessing to Masons
Ankerberg Theological Institute has
a large number of useful TV shows, videotapes and written materials. They also have answers to a number of questions on Christianity and the Bible.
They have material on JW's, Masons, Mormons, the Occult and many other topics.
Ephesians 5:11 has informative articles on the Masons, Illuminati, and other topics.
17+ videos on Mormonism
Witnessing to Mormons
Ankerberg Theological Institute has
a large number of useful TV shows, videotapes and written materials. They also have answers to a number of questions on Christianity and the Bible.
They have material on JW's, Masons, Mormons, the Occult and many other topics.
Mormons Need Hope shares many reasons why Mormons cannot know the truth and remain Mormon. They have some printable tracts, with many more to come.
Sacred Groves shares the stories men and women out of Mormon traditions who have experienced a life-changing encounter with the living Jesus Christ.
Answers for Mormons Answers for Mormons (and those who love them)
H.I.S. Ministry HISMIN is dedicated to helping Mormons who have questions about their belief system being Christian or not.
A Shield and Refuge Ministry is a loving, Christ-centered outreach to those seeking freedom from Mormon Fundamentalism and Polygamy.
Great video on the embarrassment of Mormon polygamy
Reachout Trust is an
international Christian ministry that upholds biblical truth and builds bridges
to those in the cults, occult, new age and new religious movements. Among other
things, they have information on Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, and Druids.
Tekton Apologetics Ministries is
committed to providing scholarly answers to serious questions which are often
posed on major and minor elements of the Christian faith. We believe in the
importance of sound Christian doctrine which is based on a careful exegetical
analysis of scriptures from the Holy Bible. We also believe that it is
important to incorporate the findings of various theological and scientific
disciplines in order to properly assess the veracity of scriptural evidences,
and to carefully evaluate issues which are relevant to the Church as a whole.
They have material on why Christianity did not borrow from various pagan
religions, Mormonism, alleged Bible contradictions, and other topics.
Watchman Fellowship presents a
readily accessible Christian response to cults and new religious movements.
They have material on JW's, Mormons, New Age, Occult, and Scientology.
Utah Lighthouse Ministries was founded
by Jerald and Sandra Tanner to provide a Christian humanitarian outreach to the
Community, and printing critical research and documentation on the LDS (Mormon)
Witnessing to Muslims
Answering Islam is a
Christian website for teaching the truth to Muslims.
Bible and Quran A wonderfully
helpful site with scholarly material, conversion testimonies, and debates with
Faith Facts seeks to use
reason and evidence to promote Biblical Christianity
Muslim Hope Gives quotes of the
real Islam of Mohammed, as well as various offshoots, and tells Muslims of the
great hope they have when they leave Islam and accept the real Jesus.
The History & Teachings of Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam #2 Wrong Message to the Black Man
Nation of Islam Revisited #3 Debating Black Muslims & the STrange Bedfellows of Louis Farrakhan
Prison Ministries
Abounding Love Ministries, Inc. was
founded by Charles and Kristin Watson. Charles lived for a year with the Manson
family prior to becoming a Christian. Our primary purpose is to share the
Truth, that salvation is through faith in the Person of Jesus Christ. We desire
for you to know that if Christ can forgive and change Charles, He can forgive
and change you too.
International Network of Prison Ministries is
network of ministries involved in crime prevention and rehabilitation using the
Word of God worldwide.
Coalition of Prison Evangelists (COPE) is
a professional service organization for Christians ministering in the field of
Crossroad Bible Institute is
a website about prison ministry headed up by Dr. David Schuringa, a professor
at Westminster Seminary.
Hope Aglow Ministries Prison Outreach is
dedicated to reaching prisoners with the message of Christ's love. It is a ministry whose goal is not rehabilitation, but regeneration.
International Prison Ministry is a
Christ-centered, Bible-based ministry directed primarily toward prisoners,
their families, and those who minister to them. Chaplain Ray Hoekstra founded
IPM in 1972.
Jesus is the Key Ministries was
started by Ed Welsh as a prison ministry of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills.
Fellowship is a Christ-based ministry under Chuck Colson to exhort, equip, and assist the Church in its ministry to prisoners,
ex-prisoners, victims, and their families, and in its promotion of biblical standards of justice in the criminal justice system.
Prisoners for Christ Outreach Ministries is
dedicated to taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ into the jails, prisons, and
juvenile centers in the Northwest. We accomplish this task through worship services, Bible studies, special concerts, and one-to-one visitations.
Roman Catholicism
Berean Beacon
A Christian Witness to Roman Catholicism
Christian Truth
Mission to Catholics International
Richard Bennett: Testimony of a Catholic Priest
Richard Bennett: Exposing Pope Francis and the Roman Catholic Church
Origins has material on Philip
Johnson and Creationism.
True.Origin provides an
intellectually honest response to the claims of evolutionism's proponents.
Seventh Day Adventism
Life Assurance Ministries welcomes Seventh-Day Adventists and former Seventh-Day Adventists. It proclaims the good news of the New Covenant gospel of grace in Christ and to combat the errors of legalism and false religion.
Ex Adventist Outreach is a ministry of former Seventh-day Adventists. has articles and questions for SDA members to consider and ponder. Our concern, is that many in the SDA movement have in fact re-defined Christ and the gospel of grace, and thus have forfeited their opportunity of Eternal Life with the Father and Son, and the complete forgiveness of sins, which is the final promise in the New Covenant.
Truth or Fables strives to provide an objective look at the teachings of Ellen G. White.
Life Assurance Ministries (com) proclaims the good news of the new covenant gospel of grace in Christ and to combat the errors of legalism and false religion.
Great Controversy Exposed shows the errors and deceptions in Ellen G. White's teaching in her book The Great Controversy.
Seventh-Day Adventism Newsletter (Word)
Cult of Ellen G. White #1: Beginnings of the 19th Century Religion Called Seventh-Day Adventism
Cult of Ellen G. White #2: Strange & Distinctive Seventh-Day Adventist Beliefs
Cult of Ellen G. White #3: Did the Seventh-Day Adventist "Prophetess" Engage in Plagiarism & Fraud
Cult of Ellen G. White #4: Biblical Refutation of Seventh-Day Adventism
Seventh-Day Adventism is Based on the Plagiarized Writings of Ellen G. White
Dealing with Seventh-day Adventism & Their Prophetess
Keeping the Old Testament Laws & Commandments cannot earn Heaven or Salvation with God!
General Ministries
Missonary Care A smaller site
geared mainly towards mnissionaries and their children. However, the articles are so good that I recommend this site for all Christians.
The Baptist A site
for all Christians that provides reference materials, apologetics, witnessing, and Bible
studies from a Baptist point of view, as well as entertainment and searching for a local Baptist church.
Beach Reach a college outreach to
students. Some of the answers on are on
Need Him is a group of Christian
volunteers for you to email to talk with by phone about accepting Christ.
ScriptureWise is a web site by Ron MacDonald with a
commentary on the Song of Solomon, World View and the Kingdom of God, and The Problem of Reality and Absolute Truth.
The Christian Defense is a
Christian chat forum for discussion, questions and answer.
Christian Top News - Christian News That Matters
Crosswalk is a Christ-centered,
for-profit corporation, to create value for our customers, employees and
shareholders by:
Bringing glory to God in all that we do;
Equipping people to grow in their faith and the practical application of it in
their lives;
Enhancing fellowship, communication and relationship-building within the
Christian community; and
Encouraging and enabling personal involvement in the care of those who are
spiritually, emotionally, physically or financially poor.
This site has over 20,000 directory listings).
The Bible Gateway is a great
resource for reading the Scriptures in a variety of translations.
Bible Tutor (tm) offers an opportunity
to master the basic content of the Bible through independent study and
interactive self-testing.
Life Everlasting blog spot on patience
Bridges International is
a web-site for ministering to Mainland Chinese people.
Campus Crusade for Christ exists
to turn lost students into Christ-centered laborers. Our spiritual mandate is
found in Matthew 28:18-20. They have 50 different ministries.
Campus Renewal Ministries is on
a mission to train and equip local leaders who desire to bring their campus'
Christian community together in prayer, worship, and outreach while providing
an atmosphere that encourages these bond building movements on campuses across
the nation.
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is
active on college campuses to establish and advance at colleges and
universities witnessing communities of students and faculty who follow Jesus as
Savior and Lord: growing in love for God, God's Word, God's people of every
ethnicity and culture and God's purposes in the world.
The Navigators is active on
college campuses and military bases to serve Christ and fellow members of the
body of Christ by reaching, discipling, and equipping lifetime laborers to know
Christ and to make Him known through successive generations.
Christian Art
Posters Motivational Christian Art NU Vision Graphx is a Christian-based
specialty Christian Posters retailer whose primary focus is to promote
motivational Christian art prints that will praise and bring focus to the Lord
Christian Booksellers and Other Resources
Baker Books Has a very large
selection of Christian resources, including apologetic.
Bible Central Station
is a Christian-based company specializing in selling Bibles in print, cassette, CD, and MP3, as well as humor and inspiration books. They take seriously the commission to continue to spread the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the world.
Christian Book Distributors (CBD) A
great resource for reasonably-priced Christian books.
Harvest House Publishers is committed to
provide high-quality books and products that affirm biblical values, help people grow spiritually strong, and
proclaim Jesus Christ as the answer to every human need.
Hendrickson Publishers provides
premium scholarly publications to the academic biblical studies community and quality books and products to the church.
They publish a lot of great material on early Christian writings.
Christian History Institute has
magazines and articles relating to Church History.
SpurgeonAn excellent site for reading
Charles Spurgeon's works.
For more info please contact Christian Debater™ P.O. Box 144441 Austin, TX 78714.
December 2016 version.
by Steven M. Morrison, PhD.